We extend previous work on the parameterized complexity of local search for the Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP). So far, its parameterized complexity has been investigated with respect to the distance measures (which define the local search area) "Edge Exchange" and "Max-Shift". We perform ...
Application-specific, parameterized local search algorithms (PLSAs), in which optimization accuracy can be traded off with runtime, arise naturally in many optimization contexts. We introduce a novel approach, called simulated heating, for systematically integrating parameterized local search into evolutiona...
Linear-Time MaxCut in Multigraphs Parameterized Above the Poljak-Turzík Bound Nicolas Bousquet, Kshitij Gajjar, Abhiruk Lahiri, and Amer Mouawad: Parameterized Shortest Path Reconfiguration Jakub Balabán, Robert Ganian, and Mathis Rocton: Twin-Width Meets Feedback Edges and Vertex Integrity Peter ...
Parameterized Synthesis for First-Order Logic over Data Words 103 Table 1. Summary of results. Our contributions are highlighted in bold. Synthesis FO2[∼, <, +1] FO2[∼, <] FO[∼] (N, 0, 0) (N, {ke}, {kse}) (N, N, 0) decidable [5] ? ? NEXPTIME-c. [5] ? ?
Techniques used in a system for collaborative work which gives collaborators unskilled in data processing technologies access to a variety of information resources to provide the collaborators with information resources which are obtained in response to parameterized information requests such as queries. The...
Parameterized Complexity and Local Search Approaches for the Stable Marriage Problem with Ties. Algorithmica, 58(1):170-187, 2010.D. Marx and I. Schlotter. Parameterized complexity and local search approaches for the stable marriage problem with ties. Algorithmica, 58(1):170-187, 2010. 3...
We also apply a local search approach, and examine the possibilities for giving FPT algorithms applicable in this context. Furthermore, we also investigate the matching problem containing couples that is the simplified version of the Hospitals/Residents with Couples problem modeling the case when no ...
The Parameterized Complexity of k-Flip Local Search for SAT and MAX SAT. S. Szeider. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing . 2009S. Szeider. The parameterized complexity of k-flip local search for SAT and MAX SAT. In O. Kull- ...
We also apply a local search approach, and examine the possibilities for giving FPT algorithms applicable in this context. Furthermore, we also investigate the matching problem containing couples that is the simplified version of the Hospitals/Residents problem modeling the case when no preferences ...
We introduce a novel approach, called simulated heating, for systematically integrating parameterized local search into evolutionary algorithms (E As). Using the framework of simulated heating, we investigate both static and dynamic strategies for systematically managing the trade-off between PLSA accuracy...