# 需要导入模块: from processing.core.parameters import ParameterString [as 别名]# 或者: from processing.core.parameters.ParameterString importisAdvanced[as 别名]defdefineCharacteristics(self):self.name, self.i18n_name = self.trAlgorithm("Canopy Model") self.group, self.i18n_group = self.trAlgorith...
String parameterType parameterType可以是Required、Optional或Derived。Derived表示工具的用户未输入参数值。Derived类型始终为输出参数。 (默认值为 None) String enabled 如果参数不可用,则为False。 (默认值为 None) Boolean category 参数的类别。 (默认值为 None) ...
Now, I know how to check if a parameter string (lets call the variable "querystring" is contained in the field keyword: results = SomeModel.objects.filter(keyword_icontains=querystring).all() which I found in the django docs Question, how do I filter for the objects wh...
In a Python toolbox, the parameter's datatype property is set using the Parameter class in the getParameterInfo method. def getParameterInfo(self): #Define parameter definitions # First parameter param0 = arcpy.Parameter( displayName="Input workspace", name="in_workspace", d...
In Python 3, I want to limit the permitted values that are passed to this method: my_request(protocol_type, url) Using type hinting I can write: my_request(protocol_type: str, url: str) so the protocol and url are limited to strings, but how can I validate t...
Parameter in einer Python-Toolbox werden in der getParameterInfo-Methode einer Werkzeugklasse definiert.
OutputParameter("mm", "raw") # connections string conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;", "Trusted_Connection=Yes;") # create the stored procedure object sp_df_op <- StoredProcedure(train2, "spTest2", id, out1, out2, filePath = ...
(indata[,"DayOfWeek"], levels=c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")) # The connection string conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;", "Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep = "") # The compute context ...
Python Code # one bind() per parameter my_coll = my_schema.get_collection('relatives') juniors = my_coll.find('alias = "jr"').execute().fetch_all() for junior in juniors: my_coll.modify('name = :param') \ .set('parent_name', mysqlx.expr(':param')) \ ...
endis an optional parameter inprint() functionand its default value is'\n'which meansprint() ends with a newline. We can specify any character/string as an ending character of theprint() function. Example # python print() function with end parameter example# ends with a spaceprint("Hello...