and Arepalli S.K., Acute toxicity bioassay using Paramecium caudatum, a key member to study the effects of monocrotophos on swimming behaviour, morphology and reproduction, Toxico. Environ. Chem., 89(2), 307-317 (2007)Acute toxicity bioassay using Paramecium caudatum, a key member to study ...
I. Morphology and description of the mutants. J. Protozool. 21: 352–362. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Powelson, B. E., M. A. Gates and J. Berger, 1975 A biometrical analysis of 22 stocks of 4 syngens of Paramecium aurelia. Can. J. Zool., 53: 19–32. Article PubMed CAS Google...
(e.g.Kovaleva and Raikov 1992; Raikov 1982, 1985; Raikov and Karadzhan 1985; Raikov and Kovaleva 1990). Using an impulse cytofluorimeter, Raikov isolated individual nuclei and measured theirDNA content. From these data on the morphology and DNA content of karyorelictid nuclei, Raikov and ...
pHvalueandtheeffectofculturemediumonthegrowthof paramecium.TheexperimentalresultsshowthatParamecium underdifferenttemperatureconditionsthegrowthrateis different,15degreesisnotsuitableforrapidpropagation, butcanbeusedtoobservethemorphologyofculturedParamecium;
Acute toxicity bioassay using Paramecium caudatum , a key member to study the effects of monocrotophos on swimming behaviour, morphology and reproduction The toxic effects of an organophosphorous insecticide, monochrotophos (MCP) were investigated on Paramecium caudatum in static acute toxicity tests ...
The experimental results show that Paramecium under different temperature conditions the growth rate is different, 15 degrees is not suitable for rapid propagation, but can be used to observe the morphology of cultured Paramecium; 25 C can be used in Paramecium in long-term culture; rapid ...
aurelia was not one species, but contained at least 15 genetically isolated groups with nearly identical morphology. These groups, which he called syngens, were genetically isolated from one another by mating-type nonreactivity and/or hybrid inviability, and were thus distinguishable on that basis....
Summary The nature of control of development of the nucleus and the oral apparatus by the germ nucleus (micronucleus) during sexual reproduction in Paramecium tetraurelia was analyzed by studying nine euploid (mostly haploid) clones. These clones were generated by conjugation between cells lacking micro...
Explanation: On the basis of light and electron microscopic morphology, the protozoa are currently classified into six phyla. Most species causing human disease are members of the phylum Sacromastigophora and Apicomplexa. 5. Conjugation as a mode of reproduction is present in ...
Changes in genes coding for ciliary proteins contribute to complex human syndromes called ciliopathies, such as Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS). We used the model organism Paramecium to focus on ciliary ion channels that affect the beat form and sensory func