InEnglish grammar,parallelismis the similarity of structure in a pair orseriesof related words, phrases, or clauses. Also calledparallel structure,paired construction, andisocolon. By convention, items in a series appear in parallel grammatical form: anounis listed with other nouns, an-ingformwith...
In English grammar, parallelism refers to the balance that is created when the same grammatical form is used across several phrases or sentences... Learn more about this topic: Parallel Sentence | Structure & Examples from Chapter 1/ Lesson 6 3...
In English, it's important to use parallelism in your sentences. Mixing verb forms, like a gerund and aninfinitive, in the same clause reads unnaturally to native speakers. Parallelism provides a balance to your clauses. Incorrect:He likes playing video games and to draw. Correct:He likes pl...
Faulty parallelism is one of the major grammatical sins in the English language. When you come across faulty parallelism, it clangs off the ear, destroys written sentences, and muddies any intention the author may have had. The previous sentence is an example of correct parallelism, but more ...
You find parallelism between two things that are alike, like parallel lines. If your path in life is to save the world from an evil wizard, you can remark on the parallelism between your life and Harry Potter's.In English grammar, parallelism is used in sentence construction to give ...
Parallelism in Grammar vs. in Rhetoric and Literature The term "parallelism" is used to describe both a figure of speech and a principle in grammar, although its use in each context is slightly different. Parallelism in Grammar In grammar, parallelism is the principle that using similar grammatic...
3.GrammarThe use of identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses or phrases. 4.PhilosophyThe doctrine that to every mental change there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition....
expenditure and continually using(parallelism in GMAT)- English Only forum for vacation last week and to see my father.<parallelism>- English Only forum Grammar of parallelism- English Only forum I have a sister, brother and cousin. [Parallelism]- English Only forum ...
I think he exaggerates the parallelism between the two cases. Questions about grammar and vocabulary? Find the answers with Practical English Usage online, your indispensable guide to problems in English. See parallelism in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary Check pronunciation: parallelismNearby...
1 DefinitionEffects Catalogue 2 3 4 Types Attentions Definition Ingrammar,parallelismisabalanceoftwoormoresimilarwords,phrases,orclauses.Theapplicationofparallelisminsentenceconstructioncansometimesimprovewritingstyle,clearness,andreadability.排比也被称为对句法、平行结构或平行构造,是由两个或两个以上结构相同或相似...