平行进口车(parallel-import cars),全称是平行贸易进口车,简称平贸车,意思是指未经品牌厂商授权,贸易商从海外市场购买,并引入中国市场进行销售的汽车。由于进口地不同,可分为“美规车”、“中东版车”“加版车”“欧版车”等,以区别于授权渠道销售的“中规车”。
An inspection line for imported vehicles, which lies near the port, has also obtained qualifications from the customs this year, lowering expenses and shortening inspection time by more than two-thirds. Prices for parallel-import cars purchased from a foreign production base or auto dealer are lowe...
Six hundred parallel-import cars go on sale in Shanghai,本视频由看看新闻Knews提供,12次播放,有0人点赞,0人对此视频发表评论,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
商标名称宝能平行进口汽车 B BAONENG PARALLEL IMPORT CARS 国际分类03-日化用品 申请/注册号47103917 商标状态驳回复审中 申请日期2020-06-09 初审公告期号- 初审公告日期- 注册公告期号- 注册公告日期- 专用权期限- 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)深圳市宝能投资集团有限公司 申请地址(中文)广东省深圳市罗湖区笋岗街...
本吧热帖: 1-以大师级的工艺成就极致奢华和现代设计的典范无于伦比的奢华SU 2-途乐外观内饰个性化升级,全新的感官盛宴,是否是你们喜欢的#汽 3-欢迎来到贴吧
The provincial government has set a target to bring in 10,000 parallel-import cars by 2020, with their total sales volume expected to reach 7 billion yuan ($1.01 billion). Henan province, meanwhile, is moving toward its goal of becoming a major base of parallel-import vehicles by 2020, no...
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