Parallel (并行)& Distributed(分布式) Parallel:如运行在多核 CPU 上 每个DB 节点物理上非常接近,通过高速 LAN 相连接 通信成本极小 Distributed:如分布式数据库 节点之间距离可能很远,通过公网相连接 通信成本和通信可能出现的问题不可忽略 Inter-query(查询间隔) vs. Intra-query Parallelism(查询内并行性) Inter-...
Raynal, M. Parallel Computing vs. Distributed Computing: A Great Confusion? (Position Paper). In: Hunold, S.; Costan, A.; Gimenez, D.; Iosup, A.; Ricci, L.; Gomez Requena, E. M.; Scarano, V.; Varbanescu, L. A.; Scott, L. S.; Lankes, S.; Weidendorfer, J.; Alexander...
本系列为CMU 15-445 Fall 2022 Database Systems 数据库系统 [卡内基梅隆]课程重点知识点摘录,附加个人拙见,同样借助CMU 15-445课程内容来完成MIT 6.830 lab内容。 Parallel & Distributed 随着摩尔定律逐渐失效,处理器走向多核,系统可以通过并行执行增加吞吐量,减少延迟,使得系统响应更快。 Parallel:如运行在多核 CP...
We would like to welcome you to Paderborn and to the Europar 2002 topic on Parallel and Distributed Databases, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm...
for a given query identify and filters the duplicate records from distributed data bases to achieve the above to summarising classifier and similar record machine (SRM) classifiers are help fill to iteratively identify the duplications so that will find the integrated data result from distributed data...
This chapter presents the state of the art about the major data mining techniques, systems and approaches. A detailed taxonomy is drawn by analyzing and comparing parallel, distributed and Grid-based data mining methods, with a particular focus on the exploitation of large and remotely dispersed ...
The advantage here is that there is almost no synchronization between workers since the work queues are distributed and most operations are local to the worker, which is crucial for scalability. Moreover, work stealing has provably good cache locality and work distribution ... Partitioning In the case of data partitioning[20], application and its processing steps are distributed over a set of data and its partitions as shown inFig. 6. For example in the scenario of e-commerce platform, data associated with inventory, customer database, billing can be ...
The advantage here is that there is almost no synchronization between workers since the work queues are distributed and most operations are local to the worker, which is crucial for scalability. Moreover, work stealing has provably good cache locality and work distribution properties. For example, ...
There's a gray area between distributed NAS solutions that serve NFS and parallel file systems. The use of parallel file systems might better satisfy your requirements.After you complete this unit, you'll be more familiar with the main features of parallel file systems....