3.打开官方: https://testnet.parallel.fi/ 切换钱包到Kusama Relay Chain 依次供应,然后开启抵押按键 4.测试贷款功能+还款 依次偿还 5.ksm抵押(页面拉到最下面) 然后去抵押 官方未公布任何的空投
验证码:2DBCA Parallel测试网活动:https://testnet.parallel.fi/parallel_testnet/apps/airdrop/ 手动添加Parallel测试网:https://docs.parallel.fi/parallel-network/network-info/testnet Superbridge跨链:https://surprised-harlequin-bonobo-fvcy2k9oqh.testnets.superbridge.app/ 展开更多...
进入官网:“https://testnet.parallel.fi/”,右上角连接钱包,依次供应,然后开启抵押按键。 4.测试贷款+还款。 5.密封ksm进行抵押。 第一步如图所示: 第二步如图所示: Crowdloan中的$HKO的分配 想要参与Parallel Finance和Heiko Finance的未来用户,Crowdloan是一个很好的参与方式。 通过在Heiko Crowdloan中Stake自己所...
p=parallel-testnet-airdrop-event-user-guide 官推: https://twitter.com/ParallelFi 领水网站:https://www.alchemy.com/faucets/ethereum-sepolia 测试网添加: Name: Parallel Testnet RPC: https://rpc-accused-coffee-koala-b9fn1dik76.t.conduit.xyz Explorer: https://explorerl2new-accused-coffee-koala...
[network_id]testnet For custom networks, everyone who connects to the network should use a value unique to that network. When creating a new network, choose a network ID at random from the integers 11 to 4,294,967,295. Note This setting helps your server find peers who are on the same...
Theconsolesubcommand has the same meaning as above and is equally useful on the testnet too. Specifying the--goerliflag, however, will reconfigure yourgethinstance a bit: Instead of connecting to the main Ethereum network, the client will connect to the Görli test network, which uses differe...
exporting payloads to different output (payload file and checkpoint file) Preliminary Results This optimization reduces atree migration duration by about 21 minutes on a test vm (m1-ultramem-160 using nworkers=150 to migrate old testnet state)....
was a senior figure at Consensys. There are some existing collaborative projects between ETH and ETC, including Akomba Labs’ “Peace Bridge” to allow cross-chain transactions,Kottiunified PoA testnet and somerecent discussionsregarding ETC considering the adoption of aspects of the Ethereum 2.0 ro...
High performance parallel Ethereum-compatible Layer 2, leveraging zero-knowledge technology to achieve unrivaled computation scale with Ethereum-level security.
将网络切换到 Goerli testnet 点击首页上方的 get test tokens,获取测试 nft 第二步:供应nft 随便选择一个 nft,点击供应 (显示有 1 的都可以供应,这是我们上一步完成后获得的测试 nft) 第三步:供应token 供应nft 完成后往下滑,随便选择一种资产,点击 Supply,完成供应 ...