通过计算顺序部分和计算所有元素的总和在指定范围的或计算从使用指定的二元运算类似获得的顺序部分的结果除和之外,并行。parallel_reduce语义相似std::accumulate,除此之外,前提是二元运算是关联的,并需要标识值而不是初始值。 复制 template< typename _Forward_iterator > inline typename std::iterator_traits<_Forward...
parallel_reduce A loop can do a reduction, as in this summation: float SerialSumFoo( float a[], size_t n ) { float sum = 0; for( size_t i=0; i!=n; ++i ) sum += Foo(a[i]); return sum; } If the iterations are independent, you can parallelize this loop using the templat...
while & parallelReduce 本文由 Reach X 1Circle Winter Camp 的 问题不大队伍编写,Ivan[1]发布 While 语法 代码语言:javascript 复制 varLHS=INIT_EXPR;DEFINE_BLOCK;//optionalinvariant(INVARIANT_EXPR);while(COND_EXPR)BLOCK while是处于共识步骤中语句, 第一行用于定义一个变量, 第二行DEFINE_BLOCK可以定义使...
reduce0(T *g_idata,T *g_odata,unsignedintn) { T *sdata=SharedMemory<T>(); // load shared mem unsignedinttid=threadIdx.x; unsignedinti=blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; sdata[tid]=(i<n)?g_idata[i]:0; __syncthreads(); ...
Mapping and historical reconstruction reveal convergent genetic adaptation to reduce flowering time We scored flowering time as days to bolting in plants grown in simulated CVI conditions. We found that plants from both islands flowered significantly earlier than Moroccans (MWW test,W = 1620,p-...
reduce0(T *g_idata,T *g_odata,unsignedintn) { T *sdata=SharedMemory<T>(); // load shared mem unsignedinttid=threadIdx.x; unsignedinti=blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; sdata[tid]=(i<n)?g_idata[i]:0; __syncthreads(); ...
java reduce 归约 java reduce parallel 场景 Java8新特性-Stream对集合进行操作的常用API 前面讲Stream的常用api的使用,在处理一些集合数据时很方便,但是在执行一些耗时或是占用资源很高的任务的 时候,串行化的流无法带来速度/性能上的提升,除了使用多线程来并行执行任务之外,Stream中也提供了这样的方法。
__inline__ __device__ int3 warpReduceSumTriple(int3 val){for(intoffset=warpSize/2;offset>0;offset/=2){val.x+=__shfl_down(val.x,offset);val.y+=__shfl_down(val.y,offset);val.z+=__shfl_down(val.z,offset);}returnval;} ...
As with all technologies, there are also some drawbacks associated with dataflow languages. First and foremost, because the dataflow paradigm differs significantly from traditional sequential languages, programmers accustomed to the sequential languages must overcome a learning curve to make the transition....