Today all computers, from tablet/desktop computers to super computers, work in parallel. A basic knowledge of the architecture of parallel computers and how to program them, is thus, essential for students of computer science and IT professionals. In its second edition, the book retains the ...
Lecture 3: Parallel programming modelsLecture 4: Parallel programming basics Project 1: Exploring Multi-Core and SIMD ParallelismLecture 6: Graphic processing units and CUDA参考资料:CMU并行计算课程的笔记与总结 - 知乎 CMU 15-418 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming | Jin Dong...
接下来一段时间,我将同时学习CS61C Great ideas in Computer Architecture传送门,以及CMU15418 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming. 我看的是spring 2018的版本 这门课的前置课程是CMU 15213,也就是大名鼎鼎的CSAPP,没有计算机基础或比较薄弱的同学建议先学完这门课,磨刀不误砍柴工~~ 博主本科是数学专业的...
CMU 15618 Parallel Computer Architecture & Programming Notes (更新中)Johnny 英伟达 开发工程师14 人赞同了该文章 Lecture7 Lecture6 Lecture5 Lecture4 Lecture3 Lecture2 Lecture1编辑于 2021-09-20 10:42 卡内基梅隆大学 (Carnegie Mellon University) 并行计算 计算机科学 ...
出版者:Morgan Kaufmann Publishers In作者:Culler, David出品人:页数:1056译者:出版时间:1998-9-29价格:USD 162.72装帧:精装isbn号码:9781558603431丛书系列:图书标签: 并行计算 计算机体系结构 计算机 Parallel architecture 计算机科学 体系结构 Computer Parallel Computer Architecture 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书...
Especially, it discusses cache coherence schemes for different architectures in detail. The third part discusses future horizons for architectures, namely data flow architectures, neural networks and fuzzy logic principles. The book closes with parallel programming and parallel algorithms. 展开 ...
CMU 15-418 并行体系结构与编程(Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming)2016春 1.3万播放 Lecture 01 Why Parallelism? Why Efficiency? 1:10:52 Lecture 02 A Modern Multi Core Processor 1:25:38 Lecture 03 Parallel Programing Abstractions 1:15:39 Lecture 04 Parallel Programing Basics 1:20:53 ...
Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 6081) Part of the book sub series: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues (LNTCS) Included in the following conference series: ICA3PP: International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing...
Due to the multicore shift in computer architecture, soft- ware engineers must write multithreaded programs to har- ness the resources of these parallel machines. Unfortunately, today's parallel programming techniques are difficult to rea- son about, highly error-prone and challenging to maintain ...
ISBN 0-07-031798-4, $97.30 This text is an in depth introduction to the concepts of Parallel Computing. Designed for use in university level computer science courses, the text covers scalable architecture and parallel programming of symmetric muli-processors, clusters of workstations, massively ...