The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) provides an imperative programming model that promotes scalability and ease-of-use for developing concurrent applications. The PPL builds on the scheduling and resource management components of the Concurrency Runtime. It raises the level of abstraction between your ...
La libreria PPL (Parallel Patterns Library) fornisce un modello di programmazione imperativa in grado di offrire scalabilità e semplicità per lo sviluppo di applicazioni simultanee. La libreria PPL si basa sulla pianificazione e sui componenti di gestione delle risorse del runtime di concorrenza....
So this month I am going to introduce some of the additions to the C++ language that Visual C++ has added as part of the forthcoming C++0x standard. I'll then look at theParallel Patterns Library(PPL) that Microsoft has developed over and above the C++0x standard to introduce parallelism ...
Visual C ++ 2010 及: 平行模式的程式庫 Kenny Kerr 本專欄根據的 Visual Studio 2010 搶鮮版所撰寫。 所有的資訊有變更。 內容 語言的增強功能 平行演算法 工作和工作群組 Visual C ++ 在 2010 版本的 Visual Studio 中取得主要的升級。 許多新的語言和程式庫的功能被設計完全,讓...
I'll then look at the Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) that Microsoft has developed over and above the C++0x standard to introduce parallelism to your applications in a manner that naturally complements the standard C++ library.KENNY KERRMsdn Magazine...
网络并行模式库 网络释义 1. 并行模式库 新的并行模式库(Parallel Patterns Library)在一个比操作系统线程更高的高度对并行计算进行了抽象,让程序员们不再直接跟比 …|基于45个网页
The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) provides algorithms that concurrently perform work on collections of data. These algorithms resemble those provided by the C++ Standard Library. The parallel algorithms are composed from existing functionality in the Concurrency Runtime. For example, theconcurrency::par...
This repository is an early stage implement of efficient and optimized parallel patterns for the Actor Model. The library especially targets multi-cores and it exploits shared-memory to efficient implement Parallel patterns.The Parallel patterns provided so far are:...
Visual C++2010 And The Parallel Patterns Library Visual C++ is getting a major upgrade in the 2010 release of Visual Studio. Many of the new language and library features are designed purely to make it easier and more natural to express your desires in code. But as has always been the .....
The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) provides algorithms that concurrently perform work on collections of data. These algorithms resemble those provided by the C++ Standard Library. The parallel algorithms are composed from existing functionality in the Concurrency Runtime. For example, theconcurrency::par...