An example Let’s look at a small example. Suppose we have a program that generates large quan-tities of floating point data that it stores in an array. In order to get some feel for the distribution of the data, we can make a histogram of the data. Recall that to make a histogram,...
A crossover design (a type ofrepeated measuresdesign) is where groups receive all treatments in a different order. For example, group A might receive treatment X then treatment Y, while group B receives treatment Y then treatment X. By comparison, a parallel study has all groups receiving com...
Here's an example of how to break out of a parallel loop early. c++ vector<double> results = ...intworkLoad = ... task_group tg;size_tfillTo = results.size() -5; fill(results.begin(), results.end(),-1.0); task_group_status status = tg.run_and_wait([&] { parallel_for(0...
Structured multithreading refers to providing parallel forms of key block-structured sequential statements. For example, a compound statement { A; B; } with sequential semantics where A is evaluated and then B is evaluated is made into a parallel statement by allowing A and B to be e...
state. In other words, the loop body accumulates its value first into a subtotal and not directly into the final total. When each task finishes, it adds its subtotal into the final sum. For an illustration of these steps, see Figure 1 in the section, "Design Notes," later in this ...
Structured multithreading refers to providing parallel forms of key block-structured sequential statements. For example, a compound statement { A; B; } with sequential semantics where A is evaluated and then B is evaluated is made into a parallel statement by allowing A and B to be e...
Similar to parallel design, competitive testing evaluates the merits (and pitfalls) of competing designs and yields insights that can inform better design iterations. Competitive testing is also advantageous in that you don't spend resources creating early design alternatives. For example, when designin...
The following predictors of discrepancy were found: intermittent exposure, rare event, acute outcome, length of hazard period, type of case-only design, and sample size (C statistic of 0.783). Conclusion The concordance between effect estimates of case-only and parallel group designs is moderate....
To understand better the design, we use a model at a higher level than the shared-memory model or the distributed-memory model. This is the task/channel model (see [Quinn, 2004] in References). A task is a program, its local memory, and a collection of I/O ports. This is represente...
This example shows how you can use theWaitAnymethod to be notified when the first of a group of tasks completes. The code prints a line to the console output after each task finishes. Thewhileloop exits after all the tasks finish.