parallel_coordinates(data, 'Class', color=['red', 'blue']) plt.title('Parallel Coordinates Plot Example') plt.xlabel('Attributes') plt.ylabel('Values') A选项:frame参数是用于分类的列名 B选项:class_column参数是dataframe对象 C选项:parallel_coordinates函数用于平行坐标图 D选项:parallel...
这些图的核心意思是一样的,就是connection,把不同的数据连到一起。 文章里把这图叫做共线性图,是按功能命名的,Google里搜不到。 搜到类似的,这个图叫Parallel Coordinates Plot,但显然有些丑陋。 Parallel Coordinates Plot in R matloff/parcoordtutorial origin里把它叫做Parallel plot,显然快接近我想要的了。
Advanced Parallel Coordinates Plot d3.csv('',function(err, rows){functionunpack(rows, key){{returnrow[key];});}var data = [{type:'parcoords',line: {showscale:true,reversescale:true,co...
A Parallel Coordinates Plot displays the values of several metrics for each value of a single grouping dimension.
plotting import parallel_coordinates # Take the iris dataset import seaborn as sns data = sns.load_dataset('iris') # Make the plot parallel_coordinates(data, 'species', colormap=plt.get_cmap("Set2")) Parallel coordinate chart with Python and Pandas The following examples are ...
Visualization literacy,the ability to interpret and comprehend visual designs,is recognized as an essential skill by the visualization community.We identify and investigate barriers to comprehending parallel coordinates plots(PCPs),one of the advanced graphical representations for the display of multivariate ...
WHY: A Parallel Coordinates Plot (PCP) is a visualization technique used to analyze multivariate numerical data. It allows data analysts to compare many quantitative variables together looking for…
plt.title('Parallel coordinates, scaled values '+'n: '+ str(len(allAttributes))) plt.ylim(-2,4) 开发者ID:tatusl,项目名称:DKDExerciseWorks,代码行数:25,代码来源 示例6: plot_viz ▲点赞 1▼ defplot_viz():Attr_nr=57xtik=[iforiinrange(Attr_nr)] ...
parallelcoords(ax,___)creates a parallel coordinates plot using the axes specified by the axes graphic objectax, using any of the previous syntaxes. h= parallelcoords(___)returns a column vector of handles to theLineobjects created byparallelcoords, with one handle for each row ofx. ...
Parallel axes;Parallel Coordinates System (PCS); ∥ -coords;Multidimensional visualization;Parallel Coordinates Plot (PCP) Definition In the plane withxy-Cartesian coordinates N copies of the real line labeledX̄1,X̄2,...,X̄Nare placed equidistant and perpendicular to thex-axis. They are ...