This paper demonstrates the implementation of the algorithm to solve a fluid-structure interaction problem on parallel and distributed computers. The paper presents a partitioned approach where the fluid and the structure are solved separately. The structures considered in the paper are membranes and ...
data in the Internet era has highlighted the limitations of traditional algorithms, which struggle to efficiently process large-scale datasets.To address this issue, this study introduces PD-C4.5, a parallel and distributed implementation of the C4.5 algorithm designed for cloud computing environments....
《 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》为混合OA方式,选择非OA方式无版面费。OA方式版面费为3160美元。 3、官网地址 期刊官方网址: 期刊投稿地址: SCI...
我们得出的结论是,云计算由于其与高性能和面向服务的计算相关的先进功能,为遥感大数据的高效和可扩展处理提供了一种自然的解决方案。 出于这个原因,我们对利用云计算平台上分布式处理的并行性进行全面调查,同时解决与数据存储和工作负载分配相关的问题。更重要的是,为了在多个计算资源上有效地分配遥感应用程序的数据工作量...
Keywords:cloudcomputing,datamining,massdata,parallelanddistributedsystem 文章编号:1003-5850(2014)07-0077-04 引言 云计算 [1] 是一种人们可以广泛参与的新型计算模 式,其计算资源不仅包括软件资源,而且也包括硬件 资源。云计算可以为用户按需提供计算、存储和交互 等服务。云服务是虚拟化的、非静态的、可随用户...
Distributed and Cloud Computing, named a 2012 Outstanding Academic Title by the American Library Association's Choice publication, explains how to create high-performance, scalable, reliable systems, exposing the design principles, architecture, and innovative applications of parallel, distributed, and clo...
【双语】Distributed Systems【P11】Lecture11-CacheConsistency-Frangipani 62 -- 1:20:22 App 【双语】Distributed Systems【P2】Lecture2-RPCandThreads 40 -- 1:19:38 App 【双语】Distributed Systems【P10】Lecture10-CloudReplicatedDBAurora 13 -- 1:23:29 App 【双语】Distributed Systems【P17】Lecture17-...
b) Applications of parallel and distributed computing, including computational and data-enabled science and engineering, big data applications, parallel crowd sourcing, large-scale social network analysis, management of big data, cloud and grid computing, scientific and biomedical applications, mobile compu...
Marzolla. New trends in parallel and distributed simulation: From many-cores to cloud computing. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 49:320 - 335, 2014.G. D'Angelo and M. Marzolla. New trends in parallel and distributed simulation: From many-cores to cloud computing. Simulation Mod- ...
Applications of parallel and distributed computing, including computational and data-enabled science and engineering, big data applications, parallel crowd sourcing, large-scale social network analysis, management of big data, cloud and grid computing, scientific and biomedical applications, mobile computing...