Influence of television on the perception of insecurity and fear of crime of the Paraguayan populationdoi:10.18004/RIICS.2021.JUNIO.158Diego Benjamín Molinas-DelvalleInstituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud
Additionally, this respondent mentioned that with proper planning there would be no issues of water availability in certain parts of the country; otherwise, considerable conflicts could arise between the different sectors (e.g., agriculture, population in general). This respondent also added that it...
(genotype K417/484K) but E484 was detected based on the consensus Sanger sequence. On review of the tracing, there was a mixture of G and A bases at the first position of codon 484, which is consistent with the evidence of a mixed viral population in this sample. Notably, this sample...
With a huge team of senior lawyers, professional Philippine security guards to provide 24-hour personal protection, professional translation team to provide professional translation, 211 countries, 37 major rescue centers, serving a population of 250 million. Committed to providing international identity ...
We collected data from April to September 2018 in the city of Pilar (26° 52’ 04’’ S 58° 17’ 46’’W), Ñeembucú Department in southwest Paraguay (Fig.1). Pilar has a population of around 33,000 people In this area of Paraguay this time period covers the last few weeks of...
Attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine in the General Paraguayan Populationdoi:10.18004/anales/2021.054.03.25Julio_ToralesCarlos RiosMarcelo OhigginsIvan Barrios
the repeated monitoring of forest population dynamics is essential to better understand the state of forest ecosystem services and natural resources that they produce over time. Both public and private sectors in Paraguay and globally have the capacity to regulate their existential–ecological balance, ...
However, this does not apply to the relationship between the indigenous population of the Yshiro community and the military, which is burdened by past territorial conflicts (SEAM 2011). At a regional level, the government of the department of Alto Paraguay is responsible for regional development ...