“Avg. # o P” denotes the average number of the paragraphs included in the reference context per question. About half of the questions are unanswerable (Un-ans); the rest consist of questions with only paragraph-level answers (Long Only) and additional span-level answers (Short). 我们首先...
Reading comprehensionMulti-paragraphMulti-perspectiveMulti-paragraph reading comprehension (MPRC) aims to answer questions based on a number of paragraphs. The background paragraphs in MPRC are usually collected by information retrieval (IR) systems. Most of the MPRC models indiscriminately read all the ...
Gated Self-Attention: 这里的大部分思想与Gated Self-Matching Networks for Reading Comprehension and Question Answering这篇文章中关于gated attention-based以及self matching的论述类似。 门控自注意力机制主要解决以下问题: 聚合段落信息 嵌入(embed)段落内部的依赖关系,在每一时间步中优化P和A的嵌入表示。 主要步骤...
论文:Paragraph-level Neural Question Generation with Maxout Pointer and Gated Self-attention Networks 来源:EMNLP2018 链接: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D18-1424.pdf一、解决的问题: 针对文章级…
This is the level of clarity and Premium Trigraph Paragraph Typography 301 Words 2 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More A commentary on the last three paragraphs of "The Great Gatsby." This passage is the last three paragraphs of the story. The passage is Nick’s thoughts on Gatsby ...
Effectively having a pet makes a person more responsible, and the level of commitment and care of the owner will inevitably reflect on their pet.Summary:Exercises:Read each paragraph and underline or write the main idea. Then use the notes you made to write a summary of the paragraph....
Readability is measured by a number of different indexes. These indexes are then translated into ease of reading, comprehension and time to read. This analysis is usually done at the page level, but this tool provides the readability at the paragraph level....
Covers grade-level skills in capitalization, language usage and punctuation Skills include apostrophes, commas, periods, quotation marks and other types of punctuation. Also covers spelling. Daily Paragraph Editing "extras" include a reproducible student language handbook that provides simple, clear rules...
Level II Difficulty Let us try and increase the difficulty a bit. Remember there are no fixed rules to solve these questions. The more you read, the better you will get. Assemble the following paragraph: Scientists have learned to supplement the sense of sight in numerous ways. Or they look...
This research was aimed to find out the effectiveness of RAP strategy on students' reading comprehension. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Kemranjen in Academic Year 2012/2013.This research used experimental method. The sample of this research was 66 students. The students was divided...