‘Pacification Exercises’ saw planes from the fleet’s aircraft carriers drop incendiary munitions on Indochinese villages thought to be harboring rebels or their equipment and the use of fast-dispersal poison gas to clear out jungle terrain, leaving the stench of thousands of decaying animals ...
Currently, cancer research expands considerably beyond medicine, becoming a focus in other branches of natural science. Accumulating evidence suggests that a proportional scale of tumor deaths involves domestic and wild animals and poses economical or conservation threats to many species. Therefore, ...
Python regius (1 available) Sex: Origin:Captive Bred Birth:2024 Diet:Frozen/Thawed Mouse Animal ID:X953180714 Roussis Reptiles 4.9 (21) Pro Member Learn how to buy > Store Policy Domestic Shipping Policy: Orders are shipped using FedEx overnight shipping between Tuesay and Wednesday for Next ...
Defend it well, as you will get a lot of unrest there from all the slaves (make them domestic ones, then let the rest of the tiles be inhabited by Terrans that you also resettled there, so the happy Terrans reduce unrest). Also build armies and a mind control laser on the spaceport...
Accumulating evidence suggests that a proportional scale of tumor deaths involves domestic and wild animals and poses economical or conservation threats to many species. Therefore, understanding the genetic and physiological mechanisms of cancer initiation and its progression is essential for our future ...
Phylogenetic analysis revealed this parvovirus strain falls in a basal position to a clade of CPV that have infected dogs in China and Uruguay, suggesting cross-species transmission from domestic to wild animals. Our analysis further identified these viruses as genotype CPV-2a that is enzootic in ...
risk was observed in the zoo survey among carnivores. This may be due to the use of progestins and other forms of hormonal contraception as well as postponement of pregnancy in zoo animals. Both factors have been linked with the development of human cancers, as well as in non-domestic ...
[This is one good reason not to get trapped in a rut of wirehead hedonism or its chemical counterparts rather than strive for superintelligent well-being.] Yet to opt for a deliberate policy of non-interference - whether in the lives of our suffering fellow humans, non-human animals, or ...
7. Live animals (not counting bees, silkworms and leeches, as long as the packaging ensures the safety of the workers). 8. Items that are not adequately packaged and may cause hazards to the workers, or contaminate or damage other packages. 9. Other items unsuitable for shipment though mail...
For decades, there was a single main indicator of how countries were faring—the growth of gross domestic product. But earnings do not say much about how healthy people are. Jan-Pieter Smits, professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and sen