Of the 144196 characters on Anime Characters Database, 15 are from the anime Paradox Live THE ANIMATION.
Of the 144260 characters on Anime Characters Database, 15 are from the 动画 Paradox Live THE ANIMATION.
There is usually at least one title that is very similar to another anime—be it a similar plot or maybe the same setting. If you any other anime that you would recommend to people who have seen the anime “Paradox Live the Animation,” then feel free to add them as a recommendation ...
Paradox Live the Animation: Mit Takayuki Kondô, Shima, Ayumu Murase, Gakuto Kajiwara Mit Hilfe von Metallen, so genannten "Phantom-Metallen", die in ihre Accessoires eingebettet sind, erzeugen die Rapper durch die chemische Reaktion der Metalle mit ih
A list of the most memorable or funniest lines from the characters in the anime Paradox Live the Animation
Paradox Live人物介绍 Introduction 近未来,在已处于饱和状态的HIPHOP文化中,诞生了一项全新的活动“幻影live”。 Rapper们能够将含有被称为“幻影金属”的装饰品同自身的DNA产生化学反应,以感情作为连接的纽带创造出幻影,华丽的舞台让年轻人们狂热不已。 但与之相反的,也有因为其反作用出现“心灵创伤幻影”而痛苦的一...
ParadoxLive官方频道 2024年05月19日 16:00 感谢大家收看Dope Show2024午场直播!晚场将从【北京时间18点开始】,不要错过哦!! 再次呼吁: 请勿将配信的内容以截屏、录屏的形式在网络传播! 希望大家共同维护版权,谢谢理解和支持此次Live中介绍的部分商品, 海外的粉丝们也可以从Anime Times Store下单啦! 详情请查看...
Paradox Live the Animation: Con Takayuki Kondô, Shima, Ayumu Murase, Gakuto Kajiwara. Utilizzando metalli chiamati phantom metals incorporati nei loro accessori, i rapper creano illusioni legate alle loro emozioni, attraverso la reazione chimica dei m
ad-free anime offline viewing access to free video games available on multiple devices 7-day free trial after your free crunchyroll premium: mega fan trial, your account will automatically renew at $11.99 per month. compare our premium plans paradox live the animation 4.4 (3.1k) e1 - club ...
(3.1k) e2 - desire omu veröffentlicht am 10. okt. 2023 das paradox live ist für alle eine große herausforderung. allen will sich in die schreibarbeit vertiefen, aber worum geht es ihm überhaupt beim hip-hop? untertitel deutsch, english, español (américa latina), français...