官网启动器下载链接: https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/our-games/launcher 有两个版本,一个是windows版本,一个是linux版本 下载安装完就是最新版了! By:AModacof (说实话我之前也被这个问题困扰很久了) 这应该是第一个关于 P社启动器(Paradox Launcher) 无法更新/更新错误 的解决办法了吧...
① https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7408533463(或搜索引擎搜索2502、2503解决方案,属于Windows系统权限问题)。 四、免安装版本启动器安装 将压缩包解压,会出现三个文件,分别是launcherpath、Paradox Interactive.zip和launcher-v2.2021.10.zip。 ① 将launcherpath拷贝到C:\Users\(你的用户名)\AppData\Local\Paradox In...
是游戏目录下的 launcher-installer-windows.msi - 启动器安装程序的最新版本可以从官网获取 parad 22180227 群星吧 幸运的beancurd 群星无法启动,疑似Paradox Launcher.exe被隔离我的群星启动器打不开了,并且想将Paradox Launcher.exe添加到白名单却提示疑似病毒无法添加 分享122 钢铁雄心4吧 111啊皮 paradoxlauncherv2...
Don't know if it's related but Proton 5.13-3 mentions how it had a fix for the Paradox Launcher If you're running the native Linux versions of the affected games, then changes in Proton to make the Windows version of the Paradox Launcher work in Proton/Wine are unlikely to be directl...
功能程序中选择启用或关闭Windows功能 把netframwork 4.7去掉 然后确定 读条 重启 如果不能运行再装个4.5.2 我重启后安装4.5.2错误 显示有更高版本 但是可以安装p社的启动器了 分享62 钢铁雄心4吧 逐一送发巨大涡流 学习版转正了,折腾正版启动器快疯了如题,之前用的杂七杂八的学习版手贱安了paradox launcher,...
For now, PMM is still incompatible with the Paradox playset system. PMM will still work if you launch the game right after mod list application. DO NOT start the launcher or it will erase your activated mods (still need to launch it after each new mod install to generate .mod files). ...
11º try didnt work Sometimes the launcher close too sometimes dont I post u all the logs that have things on them again When i press play the launcher open, when i press play on launcher "stellaris" screen popup as showed in the gift in previous messages and then the error message po...
- 游戏会附赠启动器安装程序,通常是较旧的版本,是游戏目录下的 launcher-installer-windows.msi - 启动器安装程序的最新版本可以从官网获取 parad 21173186 都市天际线吧 water429 城市天际线更新后。卡在paradox进不去游戏!在最近这次游戏更新后 我就一直卡在PARADOX的界面进不去游戏界面了, 有人说删除游戏缓存,...