8. Paradox Launcher update is being downloaded This problem is similar to the problem mentioned in method 6. So, the steps shown in that method also apply to this problem. In addition, you can disable the Firewall. 9. Paradox launcher uncaught exception If an uncaught exception occurs in Pa...
edited by microsoft-github-policy-servicebot Pull request has been created withKomacv1.11.0 🚀 Microsoft Reviewers:Open in CodeFlow Update version: ParadoxInteractive.ParadoxLauncher version 2.4.0 d80fde1 Collaborator wingetbotcommentedJan 27, 2024 ...
There are two methods you can try. First, you can run the Paradox Launcher as an administrator. Bring up the search bar and type inParadox Launcher. SelectRun as administrator. The other thing that you can do is manually update the app if it hasn’t done so automatically. Go to Paradox...
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