(i.e. non-literal) way to convey meaning or produce an effect on the reader. A paradox is considered a figure of speech because when thought about literally, it often does not make logical sense. It is only when the reader considers the statement in a figurative, abstract, or ...
There are many great literary devices that rely on opposition to create an effect on the reader. Some closely related terms are: Antithesis:Using two things that are opposites but do not contradict one another. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”—Neil Armstrong ...
Sexuality in art; Storyline of 'Story of the Eye'; Aesthetic and philosophical affinities between Bellmer and Bataille.VanskikeElliottEBSCO_AspMosaic A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature
Despite an 81% rise in rent, why does this reader still believe there is no inflation? I refuse to believe he can't read the chart. Therefore, the only likely reason for disbelief is due to the seemingly silent but powerful effect of compound inflation. To get from $5,500 to $9,000...
There are a few other situations which could demonstrate the effect of obesity on the other chronic illnesses. Let’s take a look at 3 of them: Stroke: There are a lot of studies which has been conducted to understand the effect of obesity on the treatment of stroke. In 2011, Vemmos ...
this has the side effect of allowing the reader to pick and choose in terms of the author's politics and to be prejudicially positive to articles that gel with their own agendas. Fausto-sterling for example writes of the difficulty she experiences in distinguishing between 'science that is ...
Oscar Wilde incorporated many paradox examples in his works especially for comedic effect. In this example from his play The Importance of Being Earnest, the character Cecily complains about the difficulty of keeping up the “pose” of naturalness. Of course, posing is antithetical to being natura...
What is the rhetorical effect of paradox? A paradox is astatement that appears at first to be contradictory, but upon reflection then makes sense. This literary device is commonly used to engage a reader to discover an underlying logic in a seemingly self-contradictory statement or phrase. .....
The complexity of the formula for determining the probability suggests that people are not relying on anything like the formula in estimating the probability, but rather a much simpler conceptualization, which in effect discounts many of the possible combinations. Perhaps the reasoning proceeds something...
The reason for this paradox is the placebo effect: believing a treatment to be effective is sometimes enough to make it so."—The Economist "The paradox is that at a time when one in seven people around the world are migrants, we are seeing an extraordinarily harsh response to migration ...