Python-based IP150 'middle-ware' that uses the IP module's software port for monitoring and control of the alarm via an MQTT Broker. - Tertiush/ParadoxIP150v2
Wish the installer had shown me this app before I installed the IP module into the alarm. If I knew how poor this app is I wouldn’t have added IP to the alarm. Unless Paradox improve I will change alarm brands when I upgrade because of this poor quality app. The app regularly does...
Paradox Magellan, Spectra and EVO, with MQTT, Signal, Pushbullet, Pushover and others - ParadoxAlarmInterface/pai
The other thing to know is that the module continuously reports the status of the alarm system by sending c-bus messages whenever anything changes (zones open/close, armed/disarmed etc) these messages are picked up using the inbuilt system I/O functions of c-bus. Note however that the print...
Paradox Spectra SP5500 is a flexible security alarm control panel with 5 hardwired on-board zones and 2 on-board PGM programmable outputs. SP5500 is the base for an extremely flexible and expandable security system ideal for both home and business.
Was convinced to move from oalarm to the ip180 and use BlueEye. Its a massive downgrade. The app is slow and buggy. When you open it it stops any music playing on your phone. I’ve had times where it can’t connect to my site. Bypassing zones requires two attempts often. Paradox ...
I have an issue with my ip150, when it's connected to my company network there is no internet light blinking, the IP was set as static to the alarm module and I am able to ping the IP and from my network switch I can see the ip150 Mac add tagged to IP assigned its up and act...
'live,alarm,-restore' 'live,trouble,-clock' 'live,tamper' GSM_CONTACTS: [] GSM_EVENT_FILTERS: 'live,alarm,-restore' 'live,trouble,-clock' 'live,tamper' IP_INTERFACE_ENABLE: true IP_INTERFACE_PASSWORD: paradox DUMMY_EVENT_FILTERS: [] ...
2019-02-20 22:08:34,918 - ERROR - PAI.paradox.connections.ip_connection - Try 3/3. Unable to connect to IP Module Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\paradox150\pai-master\pai-master\paradox\connections\", line 60, in connect ...
Python-based IP150 'middle-ware' that uses the IP module's software port for monitoring and control of the alarm via an MQTT Broker. NB: For a more feature-filled alternative to this script, I suggest looking at The script was designed to be ...