1英语翻译Paradise Lost:Book 2O shame to men!Devil with devil damnedFirm concord holds; men only disagreeOf creatures rational,though under hopeOf heavenly grace,and God proclaiming peace,Yet live in hatred,enmity,and strifeAmong themselves,and levy cruel warsWasting the earth,each other to destro...
所属专辑:Paradise Lost(失乐园)英文原声小说 猜你喜欢 8630 Blue Paradise by:华语音乐 7536 Paradise Lost by:AK创客 831 Winter in Paradise (Paradise #1) by:AK创客 2446 Troubles in Paradise (Paradise #3) by:AK创客 120 Eastside Paradise-FatKidsBrotha ...
英语翻译Paradise Lost:Book 2O shame to men!Devil with devil damnedFirm concord holds; men only disagreeOf creatures rational,though under hopeOf heavenly grace,and God proclaiming peace,Yet live in hatred,enmity,and strifeAmong themselves,and levy cruel warsWasting the earth,each other to destroy...
Paradise Lost: Book 2 Quiz 17 questions Next Book 3 Quiz Get 3 quizzes by signing up for a free account Test your knowledge of Book 2. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback. What is Milton satirizing through the scene with the devils' council? 1 of 17 Theatrica...
To perish rather, swallowd up and lost In the wide womb of uncreated night, Devoid of sense and motion? and who knows, Let this be good, whether our angry Foe Can give it, or will ever? how he can Is doubtful; that he never will is sure. Will he, so wise, let loose at once...
1、Warming Up Discussion Where can you find a snake that can fly, or a spider that eats birds? Pre-reading ActivitiesIn rainforest.Rainforestwhat else can we find in a rainforest?plantsScarlet MacawanimalsLead-in ActivitiesRainbow Waterfall Stream RiverSunset NaturePeaceful HarmoniousPre-reading Ac...
I give notHeav'nfor lost. From this descent Celestialvertuesrising, will appear[ 15 ] More glorious and more dreadthenfrom no fall, And trust themselves to fear no second fate: Meethough just right, and thefixtLaws ofHeav'n Did first create your Leader, next free choice, ...
分析弥尔顿及其作品《失乐园》 The Analysis of John Milton and Paradise Lost 内容摘要 约翰·弥尔顿是英国文艺复兴末期的诗坛巨匠,其著作在英国文学、文化和自由思想的历史中占有重要的一页。他的代表作即系统阐释弥尔顿的基督教人文主义的《失乐园》自从出版之日起,评论家们就对这部著作开始了坚持不懈的争论和各种...
失乐园:Paradise Lost(英文版) 约翰·密尔顿 加入书架开始阅读 这世界上绝大多数人即便不是基督徒,相信也都听说过亚当、夏娃和伊甸园的故事。其实,真正将《圣经·旧约》中只有500字的简单叙事内容赋予气势宏伟的语言和曲折离奇的情节,并使之成为一部史诗巨作的,是17世纪英国著名诗人约翰·密尔顿,这部鸿篇巨著名曰《...
ParadiseLost–AnEpic? 5.A“choricnature”,ofnationalortribalsignificanceasDantein LaDivinaCommediawasaspokesmanforthewholeofmedievalChristianity,andMiltonforEnglishandEuropeanProtestantism inhisowntime; 6.Adescriptionofsomekindofathleticcontestor“games”;(ParadiseLost,BookII)7.Digressions,longspeeches,...