Satan addresses Beelzebub, saying he doesn't look like the friend he knew in Heaven (apparently, the fallen angels have also undergone a change in appearance as well as location). Satan describes how he and a bunch of other angels fought with God and lost. Although they've been beaten, ...
第2章 Book 1(2) And put to proof his high Supremacy, Whether upheld by strength, or Chance, or Fate, Too well I see and rue the dire event, That with sad overthrow and foul defeat Hath lost us Heav'n, and all this mighty Host In horrible destruction laid thus low, As far as ...
Paradise Lost ~ Paradise Regained(Ⅱ) Paradise Regain'd: Book 1 (1671 version) BYJOHN MILTON I Who e're while the happy Garden sung, By one mans disobedience lost, now sing Recover'd Paradise to all mankind, By one mans firm obedience fully tri'd Through all temptation, and the Tempter...
He also against the house of God was bold: A Leper once he lost and gain'd a King, AHAZ his sottish Conquerour, whom he drew Gods Altar to disparage and displace For one of SYRIAN mode, whereon to burn His odious offrings, and adore the Gods Whom he had vanquisht. After these ap...
Educação Superior::Linguística, Letras e Artes::LetrasPresents a class of Professor Langdon Hammer that analyzes the Book IX of the Paradise Lost by John Milton. Book Nine and the depiction of the Fall are presented. Adam and Eve's dialogue, especially their perspectives on labor, ...
Paradise Lost: Satan's Character In Milton's first book of Paradise Lost, Satan, the expected evil archfiend of the epic, is actually depicted as a powerful and heroic character. Satan's passionate and ambitious character is more intriguing than God's reasonable and mild personality. Milton ...
All is not lost—the unconquerable will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield: And what is else not to be overcome? That glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace ...
Satan:“theadversary”;“theaccuser”Beelzebub:“LordofFilth”;“Lordoftheflies”ParadiseLost:BookOne •Atthebeginningofthepoem,warinheavenhasbeenoverfortwoweeks.•Forninedays,SatanandthosewhofoughtGodalongsidehimhavebeenlyinginHell,stunnedattheoutcome.•ThefirstcharactertomoveisSatan,whobeginsbyspeaking...
ParadiseLostPPT课件 JohnMilton ParadiseLost:BookI TimClifford JohnMilton 1608-1674 Bornintobourgeoisclass Proclaimedthathewouldwritea“greatEnglishEpic”Self-appointedpropheticbard Studiedindependentlyforsixyears StronglysupportedthePuritanReformationWrotewithstrongindependenceandonavarietyoftopics ChurchgovernmentDivorce...