1.Introduction2.Milton:ParadiseLost JohnMilton(1608-1674)Religiousbelief:MiltonwasborninaCatholicfamily,butheisapuritan.Puritanism:beliefinpredestination(thedoctrinethatGodhasforeordainedallthings,especiallythatGodhaselectedcertainsoulstoeternalsalvation).PuritansbelievesthatbeliefinJesusandparticipationinthe...
Works of John Milton: Paradise Lost: Introduction; Book 1Milton, John
paradise lostthis is the february 1992 release of: paradise lost by john milton introduction one page this etext was ori
MiltonandParadiseLost弥尔顿与失乐园.ppt,MiltonandParadiseLost弥尔顿与失乐园 John Milton Topic 1—Introduction to John Milton ● Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great
Paradise Lost 作者:John Broadbent 出版社:Cambridge University Press 副标题:Introduction 出版年:2009-6-1 页数:188 定价:GBP 18.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780521096393 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· In ...
3.3 PARADISE LOST • 1. Influences (Biblical and Greek) • 2. Theme: the fall of man • 3. Story: in 12 books Book I General introduction, Satan recovers from the Fall Book II Satan b
《失乐园》 Lost Paradise 英文版名著.doc,Paradise Lost This is the February 1992 release of: Paradise Lost by John Milton Introduction (one page) This etext was originally created in 1964-1965 according to Dr. Joseph Raben of Queens College, NY, to whom i
系统标签: paradise 英文版 lost 乐园 名著 etext ParadiseLostThisistheFebruary1992releaseof:ParadiseLostbyJohnMiltonIntroduction(onepage)Thisetextwasoriginallycreatedin1964-1965accordingtoDr.JosephRabenofQueensCollege,NY,towhomitisattributedbyProjectGutenberg.Wehadheardofthisetextforyearsbutitwasnotuntil1991that...
ThethemeofParadiseLost •Thepoem,aswearetoldattheoutset,wasto“justifythewaysofGodtoman,"toadvocatesubmissiontothealmighty.ButafterreadingitonegetstheimpressionthemainideaofthepoemisarevoltagainstGod’sauthority.BOOK1 •BookIintroducesthemainsubjectmatterofthepoem:thecreation,fall,andredemptionoftheworldand...
"Paradise Lost" actually opens from Satan's perspective. Having just been cast out of Heaven for rebellion, Satan finds himself in a lake of fire, where he fumes over his defeat (Book I). He then gathers together all of his fellow fallen angels and they devise a plan. They will take ...