The movie was written and will be directed by "Green Book"'s Nick Vallelonga.Travolta, best known for "Grease" and "Saturday Night Fever," recently appeared in 2022's "Paradise City." In February, he celebrated his 69th birthday with a trip to Las Vegas, accompanied by his friends and...
Much of the above could be forgiven ifParadise Cityoffered thrills and a high body count, but Blake Jenner is highly unconvincing whenever he finds himself in a fight, and the movie isn’t that interested in exciting viewers anyway. All of this is a shame considering there are outtakes durin...
ABOUT THE FILM On the morning of Nov. 8, 2018, a devastating firestorm engulfed the picturesque city of Paradise, California. By the time the Camp Fire was extinguished, it had killed 85 people, displaced 50,000 residents and destroyed 95% of local structures. It was the deadliest U.S. ...
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Outside, there’s only horizons of asphalt and condominium complexes. Drones whiz by overhead, dropping off Amazon parcels of cat food and cordless headphones and purple curtains this time because you returned the green ones. Joe Rogan blares on the city-wide emergency loud speakers: “Look, ...