GTA 5 - How to Make $2.1 Billion Parachutes are good for a few things in GTA 5. They help you to land on hard-to-reach spots all around San Andreas, they help with escaping off tall buildings, and sight-seeing some of the mountain terrains. Additionally, you can complete a couple ...
I came here looking to find a way to "un-equip it", or just not use the one you already have (causing the flailing-arm free-fall), as mentioned in an article 100 Jaw Dropping Features In GTA 5 You Might Not Know About that claims you can survive a no-chute freefall by activating ...
Us too! And luckily there is a GTA 5 cheat to help us help in these situations — the parachute cheat! This really comes in handy at those times when you find yourself jumping out of a plane, ejecting out of chopper that is about to blow up... that sort of thing! Load video ...