要麼一個人就多結果子 會不會有第三種可能──結果子很少或結一些不成熟的果子──正好對應那些在荊棘裏的基督徒?下面這些經文似乎否定了這可能性。 “我是葡萄樹,你們是枝子。常在我裏面的,我也常在他裏面,這人就多結果子﹔因為離了我,你們就不能作什麼。人若不常在我裏面,就像枝子丟在外面枯幹,人拾起來...
But those on good soil retained what they heard It wasn't taken away by any bird Nor did they fall away like those on the rock But continued to believe when others did mock The problems in life would not make them stop And by persevering they produced a crop Bible Rap庇...
Luke 8:4-15And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spoke by a parable:…I. THE HEEDLESS. Bearing without attending. All a matter of form.II. THE HEARTLESS. Interest easily enlisted; feelings quickly touched. Feelings so soon stirred are ...
A very large crowd gathered around Him so that He got into a boat on the sea and sat down. And the whole crowd was beside the sea on land. And He taught them at length in parables, and in the course of His instruction He said to them, Hear this! A sower went out to sow. And...
"If I Gained the World" (詞: Anna Olander, 1861-1939)。 證道/ 宣道提綱 撒種的比喻 THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER (Traditional Chinese) 海羅伯博士(Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.)著 I. 第一,那些聽過福音馬上忘掉的人,他們仍是迷途失喪的, 馬可福音4:15, 4; 約翰福音 8:44; 以西結書 2:7; ...
The Parable of the Sower: Bible Story and Lesson The Parable of the Sower was told to the crowd gathered around Jesus. Jesus tells the story of a sower who scattered seeds on four different soil types. The first type of ground was hard, and the seed could not sprout or grow at all ...
Lesson232 ParableOfTheSower Luke8:4-18 MEMORYVERSE LUKE8:18 "Thereforetakeheedhowyouhear.Forwhoeverhas,to himmorewillbegiven;andwhoeverdoesnothave,even whatheseemstohavewillbetakenfromhim." WHATYOUWILLNEED: AsmanyStyrofoamcupswithgoodsoilandseeds,SaranWrapand rubber-bands,asthenumberofchildreninyour...
设置 自动播放下一个 (The Kingdom Parables) 快捷方式 自动恢复 总是问 始终恢复 总是重新开始 KP04 The Parable of the Sower, Pt 3 系列 The Kingdom Parables 书签 推动 下载 分享 扬声器 Jess Stanfield 跟随 广播员 Chalcedon Presbyterian Church 跟随 讲道活动 124 ( 46 | 78 ) 讲道编号 ...
The Parable of the Sower - And again He began to teach by the sea. And a great multitude was gathered to Him, so that He got into a boat and sat in
作者:Octavia E. Butler 出版社:Headline publishing 出版时间:2019-08-00 开本:32开 印刷时间:2019-08-00 页数:320 印数:1000 字数:1 ISBN:9781472263667 ,购买Parable of the Sower 英文原版 奥克塔维亚·巴特勒:播种者的寓言 科幻小说等小说相关商品,欢迎您