The skins will burst and the wine run out That is, if you keep the cork in the snout. New wine must be put into new skins To store the wine as fermenting begins And no one after drinking the old Says the new is better, so I'm told Thus the Jews rejected God's grace For an ...
The skins will burst and the wine run out That is, if you keep the cork in the snout. New wine must be put into new skins To store the wine as fermenting begins And no one after drinking the old Says the new is better, so I'm told Thus the Jews rejected God's grace For an ...
”36He also toldthema parable:“No onetearsa piece of clothfroma newgarmentand sews itonan oldone.If he does,he will tearthenew garmentas well,andthe patchfromthenewwill not matchtheold.37And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins,...