Additional research must be done to determine the true gravity of the daily use and absorption of paraben preservatives. While the population waits for a final verdict, Afterglow Cosmetics has made the obvious alternative available –paraben-free cosmetics. ...
(Chemistry) any ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid, some of which are used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and have been found in breast cancer tumours Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, ...
Whether, if science proves that parabens are harmful, it will be true of paraben use in cosmetics in addition to other products Meanwhile, you have options if you want to find paraben-free products. Many stores sell personal care products and cosmetics that are paraben-free. Some ban certain ...
Great insight, helps with decision making when I buy cosmetics now. Really like how easier you made for regular non-scientific people like me to understand. Can you also do a post looking into the other Preservatives and how ‘good/bad’ they are? The few you mentioned: Formaldehyde, ...
Many personal care products and cosmetics have parabens lurking in the ingredients list. Here are some common culprits: Facial moisturizer Anti-aging creams Makeup (foundation, eye makeup, primer, lipstick, etc.) Sunscreen Body lotion Deodorant and antiperspirant Cleansers Toner Lip balm Hair perma...
The popular use of paraben preservatives in cosmetics and PCPs arises from their favorable properties: small colorless crystals, odorless and tasteless, chemically stable, inertness, reduced toxicity, broad-spectrum action against microorganisms, biodegradability, low cost (Wei et al., 2021) and world...
(Hafeez and Maibach2013; Soni et al.2005; Fransway et al.2019a,b). Parabens with differentn-alkyl chain lengths ranging from methyl paraben, ethyl paraben, propyl paraben to butyl paraben have been widely and safely used for many decades as preservatives in a variety of cosmetics, foods, ...