The maguey pulquero, which belongs to the aforementioned genus genus, has a high water retention capacity, soil conservation properties, and is efficient in carbon capture and even in bioenergy processes. However, the plantation area has decreased in producing re...
El yacimiento maya más antiguo conocido es Cuello, en lo que hoy es Belice. Se trata de un enterramiento ceremonial que se cree que data del 2500 a.C. Fue durante este periodo cuando los avances tecnológicos permitieron aumentar el tamaño de las aldeas. La capacidad de aumentar el...
acupunctatus. However, it is important to know some alternatives that can synergize the response of S. acupunctatus to the synthetic pheromone. In this study, two consecutive field trials were carried out where diverse synergists were evaluated in traps placed in a...