“Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)”, “Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)—Código Financeiro 001”, “Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) (APQ 01151-23; APQ 00694-23 and, APQ 00...
To this end, two linguistic maps of the Draft of a Linguistic Atlas of Minas Gerais and data from the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil regarding variants of the concepts of bolinha de gude [mibs] and estilingue [slingshot] were selected. The data are analyzed...
Tamis the annual mean temperature in °C. Finally, the reference period’s climatic model was modified with the interpolated values by bioclimatic factors andTAIm. The results were projected to the Pannonian topographic models of the Central Paratethys and were represented as heat maps. It is a ...
7:71 1210 kilos Textualmente 2200 minas. Ver tabla de pesas y medidas. 7:73 séptimo mes Es decir, septiembre–octubre.Palabra de Dios para Todos (PDT) © 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015 Centro Mundial de Traducción de La Biblia © 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015 Bible League International PLUS...
In order to improve the cost-benet of this practices, this work present a support system for quality assurance inspection able to automate the scope denition and non-compliance assignment, besides to manage records and to generate indicators. The system is composed by an ontology, which maps ...
72 El resto del pueblo entregó veinte mil dáricos de oro y dos mil minas[e] de plata y sesenta y siete túnicas sacerdotales. 73 Los sacerdotes, los levitas, los porteros, los cantores, la gente del pueblo, los servidores del Templo y los demás israelitas se establecieron en ...
Pronóstico de alcoholismo de la Universidad de Michigan (MAPS por sus siglas en inglés)72 1. Información sobre alcoholismo 1. Paciente y familia 4 Rango total de puntuación: 5-20 2. Solo paciente 3 3. Solo familia 2 4. Ninguno 1 2. Índices de pronóstico 1. Actividades sust...
(despegue y aterrizaje vertical eléctrico) que transportan pasajeros. Y los posibles casos de uso son casi ilimitados, dice Microsoft: inspeccionar líneas eléctricas y puertos, transportar paquetes y personas en ciudades abarrotadas, operar en lo profundo de minas atestad...
The aim of this work was to map environmental fragility of Serra da Canastra National Park, located in Southwest region of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, using ravine sites identified on high spatial resolution images, as terrain true controls points. The methodology used for m...
Kriging maps were generated for those that showed a strong and very strong correlation with each other. Maps of land use and occupation were also obtained. There was a difference in the distribution of precipitation between the dry and rainy periods, however, in both analyses, the greatest ...