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obovata in hav- ing larger (5.5–36 × 5–21 µm), ellipsoidal or clavate conidiogenous cells [1]. Moreover, P. moniliformis has ellipsoidal to broadly obpyriform and narrower (28–37 × 14–21 µm) conidia [1], while P. obovata produces obovoid, broadly obovoid to subglobose...
T2.hTreher-edei-mdiemnesniosnioanl a(3l D(3)Dg)ragprahpichriceprreepsreensetanttiaotnioannadnwdewaveeavpeatptaerttneronf roefpreeapteuant iut nfoitr f3oDr 3wDarp intweralorpckinftaebrrloicckwfiatbhrdiciffweirtehndtiifnfetreerncht ianntgerinchgarnagtiinogs braettiwosebenetwbienedninbginadn...
NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 Files main .github bin config database logger media util v2ui web xray .gitignore Dockerfile LICENSE README.md go.mod go.sum install.sh main.go x-ui.service ...
Table 3 The distribution limiting climatic extrema of the studied sandfly species. PAria:Ph. ariasi, PNegl:Ph. neglectus, PPap:Ph. papatasi, Pperf:Ph. perfiliewi, PPern:Ph. perniciosus, PSerg:Ph. sergenti, PSim:Ph. similis, PTob:Ph. tobbi;Tam: annual mean temperature (°C; equal ...
important}.select2-search input{background-position:100% -21px !important}} @font-face{font-family:"WPPOPFont";src:url('data:application/x-font-woff2;charset=utf-8;base64,d09GMgABAAAAABD0AAsAAAAAHtgAABCmAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHFQGYACIJAqnNJ9UATYCJAOBEAtKAAQgBYRzB4NEG+wZM6PCxgFA...
The mechanism by which Drp1 expression is altered in these models is not known, though REEP1 has been suggested to affect the stability of Drp1 by modulating its phosphorylation status [21]. We now show that Drp1 expression is decreased in an Arl6IP1 RNAi Drosophila model of HSP. This ...