Define par value. par value synonyms, par value pronunciation, par value translation, English dictionary definition of par value. n. 1. The stated value of a security, such as a bond or share of preferred stock, from which interest payments or dividends
Forcommon stock, the par value is mostly considered a formality to satisfy mandated requirements, with one notable provision consisting of the agreement not to sell shares below the par value. Practically, the par value has nearly zero impact on the current market value of the company’s shares...
Definition:Par value is dollar amount assigned to each share of stock in the corporate charter when the corporation is formed. In other words, when incorporation papers are made, a par value is assigned saying the company stock is worth at least this much per share. ...
the state of the shares of any business, undertaking, loan, etc., when they may be purchased at the original price issue par or at their face value nominal par. an equality in value or standing; a level of equality: The gains and the losses are on a par. ...
this value. Theparvalue of bonds is used tocalculateYIELD(=theirprofitabilityto theinvestor)SYNFACE AMOUNT,FACE VALUE,NOMINAL VALUEThe bonds were trading at about 97% of their par value.Currently denominated at 500 yen par value, the shares will be changed to 50 yen.→see alsopar→value ...
Par Value is the nominal or face value of a bond, or stock, or coupon as indicated on a bond or stock certificate. It is a static value
par value the coupon price of a FINANCIAL SECURITY; for example, the initial face value or nominal price of an ORDINARY SHARE (as opposed to its market price). For example, a JOINT-STOCK COMPANY may issue ordinary shares with a par value of, say, 25p although its market price on the ...
(alsopar valuetechnical)thevalueof astockorbondthat isprintedon it when it is firstsoldbonds sold at 97% of their par valueat/above/below/under parThe notes are currently trading at 10% above par.→par excellenceExamples from the Corpuspar•In the nineteenthcenturythewinesof Pierry were...
Definition:Aggregate Par Value Contract Type Jurisdiction Country Include Keywords Exclude Keywords Additional filters are available in search Open Search Aggregate Par Valuemeans the aggregatenominal valueofthe Ordinary Sharesrepresented byADSs included inthe applicableAggregate Share Number. ...
The corporate charter sets the number of shares authorized, different classes of stock, as well as the par value of stock.There are no restrictions to how low or high the par value can be. Some companies have $.01 par value stock while others have $10 par value stock. In some states,...