Thanks to model molecules, the chemical shifts were specified in 13C NMR for all carbon atoms with similar groups.doi:10.1002/macp.1984.021850920Jean Marie BessièreBernard BoutevinMohamed TahaDie Makromolekulare Chemie
Hyperosmotic stresses activate four calcium-independent protein kinases which do not belong to the MAPK family, in Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspensions. Similar activation profiles were also obse...
Belcourt, A. 1975, Etude d'une glycoprotéine salivaire humaine précipitable par les ions calcium, Eur. J. Biochem. 53 :185.Belcourt A (1975) Etude d'une glycoproteine salivaire humaine precipitable par les ions calcium. Eur J Biochem 53:185–191...
The long-term influence of a fuel spill on the bacterial and fungal communities of an agricultural soil was studied. Three years after the contamination, biodegradation of the fuel in the soil was achieved and after 5 years the residual compounds had no significant effect on the density and ...
Consequently, the relationship between the corporation and its officers and directors cannot be characterized in a satisfactory manner by the civil law of Quebec. This deadlock brought the author to examine the effects of legal personality and to redefine the relationship...
Apolipoprotein CI (apo CI), a potent physiological inhibitor of CETP, would act by decreasing the interaction between CETP and lipoproteins. In the present study, rabbit apo CI cDNA was cloned and sequenced for the first time and, unlike...
The CRDS spectra have been recorded in the 5900-7000 cm-1 spectral range. The higher observed energy levels correspond to 82% of the dissociation energy of the molecule. The observations have been modelled by effective Hamiltonians including a large number of resonances between interacting ...
AimAcute main left coronary artery occlusion is rarely observed during primary angioplasty in myocardial infarction. This retrospective study reports the results of six patients treated by angioplasty in a hospital without cardiac surgery department....
Centralized Implementation: the implementation method transforms the interactions of an application software described in BIP and generates a functionally equivalent program. The method is based on the successive application of three types of source-to-source transformations: flattening of components, ...
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