Par Drugs & Chemicals Bhavnagar, India, Gujarat,Magnesium Salts,Aluminum Salts,Blended,Stearates,Silicates
Par Drugs and Chemicals LtdNSEI:PAR3,511.8x 指标使用情况:EBITDA减资本支出后的利息覆盖率 隐藏这个小工具 Slug interest_coverage_ebitda_capex 数据类型 数目 格式 文字 默认期限 当期 支持的期限 FY, Q, LTM, YTD 套餐 免费 欲查看所支持的财务指标的完整列表,请参阅完整指标列表。
Par Drugs and Chemicals的现价与52周低点的百分比值是106.5%. 查看Par Drugs and Chemicals Ltd的现价与52周低点的百分比值趋势、图表等
相比竞争对手,Par Drugs的下修每股收益的分析师比率,最近90天基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Par Drugs and Chemicals Ltd相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Par Drugs的下修每股收益的分析师比率,最近90天基准 名称代码下修每股收益的分析师比率,最近90天 ...
Advantage and Disadvantage: Used as an Antacid Raw material in a specific antacid formulations,May cause sensitization by Inhalation. Shelf Life Expiry:5 Years after date of manufacture Quality Assurance / Certificate WHO-GMP: Par Drugs And Chemicals Limited is WHO GMP Certified. (Issued by Food...
Par Drugs and Chemicals的无杠杆资产回报率于Maret 2020触及5年低点,是12.0%。 Par Drugs and Chemicals的无杠杆资产回报率于2022 (16.7%, -13.4%)减少和于2020 (12.0%, +21.9%)、2021 (19.3%, +61.0%)、2023 (17.9%, +6.8%)和2024 (20.4%, +13.9%)增加。
The Company was incorporated on 02.11.1994. The certificate of commencement of business was received by the company on 10.03.1995.The IPO of the company was 30.01.1996 with 5100800 shares of Rs10/-each. The promoters were earlier in manufacturing of bulk drugs like Ampicilin, Amoxycillin, Ceph...
Infra Engineering, Akar Auto Industries, Aarcon Facilities, Aarey Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Aartech Solonics, Aarvee Denims & Exports, Aastamangalam Finance, Aayush Art And Bullion, ABC India, Abhinav Capital Services, Abhishek Corporation, ABM Knowledgeware, Ace Engitech, Ace Software Exports, Apex ...
Potential anti-inflammatory drugs would be strong candidates for targeting thrombosis connected to the inflammatory pathways triggered by thrombin and PAR-1 [15,16]. Because of the undesirable effects of antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, in recent years, plant compounds have been considered as ...