请出示文件 Papers, Please PC英文版下载。这是一款职业模拟的独立游戏,玩家在游戏中将扮演一名签证移民的办理人员,处理着这项工作可能遇到的相关问题。 共产主义国家阿斯特罗兹卡(Arstotzka)刚刚结束了与邻近的科勒基亚(Kolechia)6年的战争,并重新开放了边界城镇格雷斯廷(Grestin)的合适的一半。 你作为移民检查员的工作...
Papers, Please is the perfect combination of curiosity, efficiency, and decision-making. As the immigration officer of a fictional, communist nation in 1982, you need to vet the returning natives and foreigners looking to cross the border. In order to accomplish your goal, you need toscrutinize...
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Papers, Please is a puzzle video game developed by Lucas Pope and published by 3909. Papers, Please focuse on the emotional toll of working as an
请出示证件 Papers, Please MAC 苹果电脑游戏 中文原生版 游戏介绍 《请出示证件》(又译《请出示文件》)是由3909工作室开发的一款像素风模拟类游戏,由玩家扮演一位阿托兹卡(又译阿什托兹卡)的边境检查人员,每天的工作就是检查入境人员的证件、是否走私或携带违禁物品等。故事背景发生在80年代的阿什托兹卡边境,此时的...
Papers, Please celebrates 10th anniversary with a retro LCD demake, merch, and a big donation ByRussell Addersonpublished11 August 2023 Glory to Arstotzka and to the power of art. news Great moments in PC gaming: Dealing with Jorji Costava in Papers, Please ...
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请出示证件 Papers, Please MAC 苹果电脑游戏 中文原生版 年首次发布。这款游戏独特地将玩家放在了一个虚构的架构国家——阿斯托茨卡中,玩家在游戏中扮演边境关卡的移民官员,负责审核前来过境的人员的文件和身份。以下是《请出示证件》的一些主要特点和游戏玩法:角色扮演:玩家在游戏中扮演一名阿斯托茨卡的边境官员,...
Papers Grade, Please! Casual Lion Studios Updated 2025-01-13 Current Version 3.4.0 Offered By Download Papers Grade, Please! on PC Share with: With all your passion for playing Papers Grade, Please!, you hands are not supposed to be limited on a tiny screen of your phone. Play like a...