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Papers Please游戏一款模拟类游戏,玩家扮演的是一位海关检查人员,每天的工作就是检查想要进入你们国家的人员他们的证件,护照或者是否携带违禁物品等
In Papers, Please, you play a citizen of aSoviet-style statewho doesn't earn much and is punished financially for making mistakes. As part of your official duties, you need to follow an evolving set of immigration laws, making tough choices to let people through the border. How to play ...
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请出示证件 Papers, Please MAC 苹果电脑游戏 中文原生版 游戏介绍 《请出示证件》(又译《请出示文件》)是由3909工作室开发的一款像素风模拟类游戏,由玩家扮演一位阿托兹卡(又译阿什托兹卡)的边境检查人员,每天的工作就是检查入境人员的证件、是否走私或携带违禁物品等。故事背景发生在80年代的阿什托兹卡边境,此时的...
请出示证件Papers PleaseMac版单机游戏Mac游戏 2024-08-31 15:29:00cha*** 未评价,系统默认好评! 2023-10-26 18:27:32faa*** 未评价,系统默认好评! 2023-01-07 20:00:0213*** 未评价,系统默认好评! 2023-01-02 20:29:11ii*** 未评价,系统默认好评!
I thought it was a bug when I was browsing through the App Store and saw a cloud download button next to… Papers, Please. So, I clicked on it, and much to my surprise, after *all* these years, Lucas Pope went out of his way to redesign the gameplay to fit on these tall phone...
请出示证件 Papers, Please MAC 苹果电脑游戏 中文原生版 年首次发布。这款游戏独特地将玩家放在了一个虚构的架构国家——阿斯托茨卡中,玩家在游戏中扮演边境关卡的移民官员,负责审核前来过境的人员的文件和身份。以下是《请出示证件》的一些主要特点和游戏玩法:角色扮演:玩家在游戏中扮演一名阿斯托茨卡的边境官员,...
Simplify your research life – try Papers for free on your iPhone, iPad, and computer. We love feedback from our users - please email support@papersapp.com with any suggestions or issues. Thanks for using Papers! mehr Neuheiten Vorherige Aktualisierungen Version 3.60 Improved AI Assistant ...