Today we published the a new white paper titled: "A Security Overview of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals" written by Richard Waymire. In case you missed the first one from Tony Loton "What Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals ...
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Application User and IT Professional Library New, Changed, and Deprecated Features for AX 2012 System administrators Application users Technical reference Lifecycle Services for Microsoft Dynamics User Guide (LCS) Resources for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Resources for Microsoft Dyn...
Fastener system and method for binding papers
Conclusion Contributors Further Reading Document revisions Notices Esta página não foi traduzida para seu idioma. Solicitar traduçãoFurther ReadingPDFRSS For additional information, see: AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency (whitepaper) Guidelines for Implementing AWS WAF Securing your Co...
Notices PDFRSS Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this document. This document: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b) represents current AWS product offerings and practices, which are subject to change without notice, and (c) does ...
To submit a proposal for consideration, please visit The deadline to submit is Nov. 15, 2010 and selected speakers will be notified in January 2011. Attendee registration will open in early 2011. ...
Our white papers will help you understand how to perform better, reduce risk and make excellence a habit in your organization. Please complete the fields below to access all of our medical device white papers. We need you to provide information about you and your business when you make an en...
IQVIA's Insights on the topics and trends making an impact around the world and bringing new ideas and innovative approaches to the people who can use them now.
Este documento fornece uma visão geral de muitos dos novos recursos para ASP.NET incluídos no the.NET Framework 4 e no Visual Studio 2010.
Os resumos técnicos, os playbooks da solução, os tutoriais e outros documentos fornecem padrões de design e as melhores práticas para ajudar a implantar soluções populares de carga de trabalho de aplicativos no OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)....