经检查为使用不干 故障症状:打印时卡纸,显示paper jam字符。 检查与分析:根据现象分析,该故障一般出在输纸系统及相关部位。检修时,打开机顶盖, 仔细观察,如果纸卡在接近纸盒的输纸部位,应打开传送导向锁架将纸取出;若卡纸在接近尾部的定影组件上,应打开定影组件,将纸朝机前拉出,不能向后取出。卡纸故障排除后,...
Product: HP ENVY 5540 All-in-One Printer Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 I try and print something and it says I have a printer jam (which I do not) sometimes it prints (rarely) and most times it does not. Any help? Thanks Tags: HP Envy 5540 Al...
Paper jamWhen the printer detects a jam, it tries to resolve the issue automatically. If it cannot, it stops, and you must fix the problem manually. The front panel starts the paper jam wizard to display where the jam occurs and how to fix it. Clear the paper jam as instructed on ...
通电后显示:Jam in print paper path, open door and clean Jam 中文的意思就是打印纸路径卡纸,打开门并清除卡纸 料哥把处理的方法给大伙说下:1、打开前门,拿出硒鼓,发现里面没有卡纸 2、检测进纸道里面也没有卡纸、搓纸轮下面也没有 3、怀疑卡纸后客户自已取纸时把纸拉烂了,是不是有烂的纸在定影加...
When a paper jam occurs, the messagePossible paper jamwill be displayed on the front-panel. Power Off the printer at the front panel and also switch it Off at the rear. Afbeelding: Switching off the printer Open the window. Afbeelding: Opening the transparent window ...
夹纸传感器在打印机背部定影部分,当出现“13 PAPER JAM”的提示信息,检查送纸通道中也无纸张时,关掉打印机,再开机,提示不消失,就要怀疑是它的问题。清洁方法是:打开机器的后盖,找到传感器的位置,用干棉球将其表面擦干净,但在拆卸定影部分时一定要等机器降温30 min后再行操作,以免高温灼伤自己。需要注意的是:当...
按照“13 PAPER JAM”来看,是卡纸了,假如能确认机器里面已经没有纸张的话可以打800去询问,不能排除打印机里面的硬件设备被卡住了 喷墨打印机的话会有个纸张传感器,假如卡住也会报卡纸。但激光机器不太好说,可以咨询800或联系HP的网上聊天室 ...
HP打印机提示jam inprint paper path是因为打印机卡纸导致故障。解决方法步骤如下:1、将打印机上面的盖子打开。2、抓着硒鼓上面的把手,把盖子里的硒鼓拿出来拿出来。3、可看到打印机的内部,将卡着的纸抽出来即可。4、将纸抽出来后,把硒鼓安好。5、将打印机盖子盖好即可。
HPm1005显示Jam in print paper path open door and出纸传感器坏 打印机开机通电后显示:Jam in print paper path, open door and clean Jam打印机无法使用,中文的意思就是打印纸路径卡纸,打开门并清除卡纸,意思是打印机内部有卡纸,之前料哥写过一个这个提示的维修案例,HPm1005显示:Jam in print paper ...
惠普HP LaserJet M1005 MFP开机提示 jam in print paper path修复后,又提示door open,又修复后,又提示no print cartridge。搞了好几个小时,终于修好了。#打印机维修 #专业维 - 余姚市万维维修中心于20231014发布在抖音,已经收获了103个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!