cat((-x2, x1), dim=-1) def apply_rotary_pos_emb(q, k, cos, sin, position_ids): # The first two dimensions of cos and sin are always 1, so we can `squeeze` them. cos = cos.squeeze(1).squeeze(0) # [seq_len, dim] sin = sin.squeeze(1).squeeze(0) # [seq_len, dim]...
子韵如初 天黑久了 就会亮了 关注 知乎影响力 获得805 次赞同 · 97 次喜欢 · 381 次收藏 已更内容 · 22 置顶Paper Reading - NAS系列 - Once-for-All: Train One Network and Specialize it for Efficient Deployment Once-for-All: Train One Network and Specialize it for Efficient DeploymentAbst...
Data:my_dataset/hotel_comment at main · Christmas-Wong/my_dataset code: 3.2 实验过程简介 第一步:在数据集中fine-tune一个bert模型 第二步:使用cleanlab找出的错误数据 fine-tune的过程代码我就不展示了,如果大家有兴趣...
Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace: Lawrence Lessig;New York: Basic Books, 1999. 297 pp. $16.00 (paper) ISBN0-465-03913. In order to analyze the application status of paper screen fusion based on QR code technology, this survey has chosen 2451 publications as samples. Here ar... JA Shu...
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Merge-and-Run Mappings @yijizhao 推荐 #ResNet 1. 对比 ResNet,从网络宽度角度探索网络结构; 2. 深度融合网络; 3. Merge-and-Run 结构去除 ResNets 极深的那一条线路; 4. 深层数对网络本身性能的提升不是最关键的,从增加模型的潜在网络数目(Ensemble Size)角度思考...
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering @jamiechoi 推荐 目前coco leaderboard 第二名,来自微软的论文。 提出了自下而上(bottom-up)和自上而下的 attention (top-down) 机制。其中 bottom-up 是利用 Faster R-CNN 提出图像区域,每个区域都具有相关联的特征向量,而...
If you use this code or find this work useful for your research, please cite: @InProceedings{Liu_2022_CVPR, author = {Liu, Yang and Zhang, Weifeng and Xiang, Chao and Zheng, Tu and Cai, Deng and He, Xiaofei}, title = {Learning To Affiliate: Mutual Centralized Learning for Few-Shot ...
Official code for the CVPR 2022 (oral) paper"Parameter-free Online Test-time Adaptation", by Malik Boudiaf, Romain Mueller, Ismail Ben Ayed and Luca Bertinetto. To make reproduction as easy as possible, all necessary recipes to reproduce experiments are gathered in the Makefile. Below we deta...
Add(register) ITEMS and relate them to barcodes/QR-codes. -When you move an ITEM, scan a barcode/QR-code to update its PLACE to belong to. -Search an ITEM's name to find out its PLACE. -You can rename ITEMS and PLACES, update relationship between them and new codes, update their ...
-Once you created relationships between ITEMS/PLACES and codes, when you move an ITEM from current PLACE to another PLACE, all you have to do is: 1.Scan the code of the new PLACE using the camera, 2.Scan the code of the ITEM. ...