Then, it is important that we can apply consistently the same assessment methodology across all nodes, across multiple data center and geography, and across time. Such a methodology must therefore be designed by experts in this field of the industry and follow a well recognized standard. Typically...
JHighSchool_English:初中英语, Physics:物理, JHighSchool_Physics:初中物理, Chemistry: 化学, JHighSchool_Chemistry:初中化学, Biology:生物, JHighSchool_Biology:初中生物, History:历史, JHighSchool_History:初中历史, Geography:地理, JHighSchool_Geography:初中地理, Politics:政治, JHighSchool_Politics:初...
阿里云精细版结构化切题,是阿里云官方自研 OCR 文字识别产品,适用于整页练习册、试卷或教辅种的题目场景。 阿里云 OCR 产品基于阿里巴巴达摩院强大的 AI 技术及海量数据,历经多年沉淀打磨,具有服务稳定、操作简易、实时性高、能力全面等几大优势。 本接口图片示例 本接口核心能力 分类概述 智能识别 自动切题,并识别其...
MP-BOARD-CLASS-10-QTR-GEOGRAPHY-SET-A-101023-2024 MP-BOARD-CLASS-10-QTR-HINDI-101023-2024 MP-BOARD-CLASS-10-QTR-HINDI-200224-2024 MP-BOARD-CLASS-10-QTR-HINDI-200923-2024 MP-BOARD-CLASS-10-QTR-MATHEMATICS-SET-A-101023-2024 MP-BOARD-CLASS-10-QTR-MATHEMATICS-SET-A-200224-2024 ..., enriching and applying geography knowledge in Pre-trained Language Models 可能完全没必要读。有点太标题党了。 Your Transformers: A Closer Look at Model Growth for Efficient LLM Pre-Tra...
7.LaTeX的OCR工具pix2tex,可以识别公式转成LaTeX代码。另外推荐Mathpix snipping tools这个LaTeX公式神器。 LaTeX OCR 8.R语言包motifmw,这个包是想基于自定义的移动窗口来分析栅格的空间模式。 motifmw 9.牛津大学的COVID-19政策数据集,这个内容之前有整理过。另外本次多了两个R语言包oxcgrt和covidphtext,是这个...
But in the psychology and counseling field, some scholars argue that “everyone in a pluralistic society…is multicultural to some degree,” and they define culture to include groups based on gender, geography, sexual orientation, and special needs.[7] Along with this broadening of the definition...
64. Nicholas is a scientist in geography. He would like to go to study something in the open, such as native wildlife, Ayers Rock and so on. 65. Anderson is a college student in geography, who would like to pay a visit to the coral reefs, red plains and dunes (沙丘) while visiting...
JHighSchool_English:初中英语, Physics:物理, JHighSchool_Physics:初中物理, Chemistry: 化学, JHighSchool_Chemistry:初中化学, Biology:生物, JHighSchool_Biology:初中生物, History:历史, JHighSchool_History:初中历史, Geography:地理, JHighSchool_Geography:初中地理, Politics:政治, JHighSchool_Politics:初...