While celebrities and their PRs fear intrusive lenses in their direction at the wrong moment, they came to be seduced by, or at least afford a grudging respect to, the paps’ star-making quality. Celebrities know the power of being seen in the right place could boos...
Forget the Emmy winners—therealwinners in Hollywood this week are celebrity moms and dads. That's because anew billdesigned to protect celebutots from paparazzi was signed into law yesterday. California Senate Bill 606 doesn’ttake effect until January 1st, 2014, but when it does, it will m...
“Today, the celebrities have changed, they’re more aware of the cameras,” Galella toldWWD. “I like stars being themselves instead of posing where you get a phony expression.” Instead, captured by Galella, celebrities were caught in transit, or in the dash of life and mischief....