老爹早餐店手机版(Papas Pancakeria HD) 33.73M / 2021-11-17 / v1.0 安卓版 老爹早餐店中文版是一款非常好玩的手机游戏,画面精美,玩法丰富有趣,喜欢模拟经营游戏的朋友们不要错过了,还等什么,快约上你的小伙伴,一起来绿色资源网下载试玩!老爹早餐店中文版戏介绍老爹的生意遍布全球,这 点击下载 老爹烤肉店修...
018 Hot and ReadyHave Quinn's order ready when she arrives and serve immediately 在Quinn来之前就准备好她的订单 她一来就接单然后马上把已经准备好的订单提交 注意:Quinn会在每周的第5天来 是当天最后一位顾客 可以在“CUSTOMERS”中找到她的订单要求 根据我的个人习惯会将她作为第4个订单来安排 这样时间...
老爹派店手机版(papa's pancakeria to go) 26.33M / 2022-02-23 / v1.0.0 安卓版 老爹派店(PapasPancakeriaToGo)有着趣味的经营玩法,老爹将一家煎饼派店留给了你,现在你必须想办法把它发扬光大,通过制作出令人满意的派来赢得口碑,从而让更多客人前来购买,赚到钱之后就能升级店铺,购买更多食材 点击下载 老爹...
老爹烧烤店中文版游戏(Papas Pancakeria HD)adrioad33.74 MB2020-10-23v1.0.0 安卓版查看详情 老爹烧烤店中文版游戏很好玩的哦!我们的店子做大之后还能去招聘服务员、收银员和厨师的,这样你也就不用自己动手了,要满足好顾客的要求,还要将味道做到极致,这样客人才会记住你的店子。老爹烧烤店hd介绍老爹为你拿出了...
018 Hot and ReadyHave Quinn's order ready when she arrives and serve immediately 在Quinn来之前就准备好她的订单 她一来就接单然后马上把已经准备好的订单提交 注意:Quinn会在每周的第5天来 是当天最后一位顾客 可以在“CUSTOMERS”中找到她的订单要求 根据我的个人习惯会将她作为第4个订单来安排 这样时间...
Serve breakfast on the go in Papa's Pancakeria To Go! -- ABOUT THE GAME -- While hunting for your lost pet, you suddenly get a call from Papa Louie with some good news: Your pet was found at Papa's Pancakeria in Maple Mountain, and since your pet likes the restaurant so much, Pap...
Serve breakfast on the go in Papa's Pancakeria To Go! -- ABOUT THE GAME -- While hunting for your lost pet, you suddenly get a call from Papa Louie with some good news: Your pet was found at Papa's Pancakeria in Maple Mountain, and since your pet likes the restaurant so much, Pap...
Serve breakfast on the go in Papa's Pancakeria To Go!-- ABOUT THE GAME --While hunting for your lost pet, you suddenly get a call from Papa Louie with some good news: Your pet was found at Papa's Pancakeria in Maple Mountain, and since your pet likes the restaurant so much, Papa ...
- 117 customers to serve with unique orders - Use Stickers to unlock new outfits for your customers - Over 75 ingredients to unlock ** NOTE FOR TABLET USERS ** Papa's Pancakeria To Go is designed especially for smaller screens, look for Papa's Pancakeria HD for tablets!Papa...
Papa's Pancakeria,中文统称:老爹煎饼店。于2012年3月5日(用松饼店的名称应该更符名,因为煎饼的种类还包含炸饼)第5个经营店游戏。剧情:开场,Cooper/Prudence带着TA的宠物猫Cookie/狗Pickle开车,看到Papa's Pizzeria就停下来订购比萨饼。但TA进去点餐时。,Cooper/Prudence发现TA的宠物失踪了。第二天早上,Cooper/Pr...