一直对芝心披萨情有独钟!之前试过Pizza Hut的,但总觉得不够软,直到遇到了Papa John's的这款芝心披萨,简直是美味到爆炸!最近有活动,一个加料的large pizza只要12美元,超级划算!我们点了pepperoni和spicy Italian sausage双拼的。披萨的味道还是很正的,但这个芝心真的太好吃了!刚送到家的时候,芝心还热乎乎的,特...
Papa John's可是美国的老牌披萨连锁店了,品质绝对有保障。他们不仅有传统的pepperoni pizza,还有一些独特的口味,特别适合朋友小聚的时候点一些,真的是太美味了~ Papa John's的披萨饼皮偏硬偏厚,酱料和芝士都给了十足的量,一口下去真的是非常满足!他们家的dipping也是一大亮点,再也不用担心面包边吃不完了。沾上...
John’s Favorite (Thin)Large$17.00 Pepperoni (Original)Small$9.00 Pepperoni (Original)Medium$11.25 Pepperoni (Original)Large$13.50 Pepperoni (Original)Extra Large$15.75 Pepperoni (Thin)Large$13.50 Sausage (Original)Small$9.00 Sausage (Original)Medium$11.25 ...
Thin Crust Sausage Pizza Thin Crust The Works Pizza Spicy Italian Pizza (discontinued in some locations) Other than these items, the sour cream dip has also mysteriously disappeared. Are there any discounts or promo codes you can claim at Papa John’s? Papa John’s has a ton of coupon cods...
This is probably the best papa John's ever Pepperoni sausage is the best. LOVE IT!!! Read more on Yelp Owner verified We Care About Your Privacy We and our868partners store and access personal data, like browsing data or unique identifiers, on your device. Selecting "I Accept" enables tr...
食品安全报告: Papa John's Pizza, 300 Southview Plaza, O'Fallon, 62269 Illinois, United States 最新报告: 2023年11月6日 早上 8点34分 #papajohns #ofallon #illinois #us #意大利辣香肠 #披萨 P Papa Johns 披萨,摄政公园,伊利诺伊州奥法伦,美国 11个月前 •reported by user-pzwmt649 ...
Papa John's pizza is a break away from the Dominos or Pizza Hut pizzas. I actually prefer Papa John's over the aforementioned pies. The place is decently clean and staff is always helpful and outgoing. Pizza is ready to go under 30 minutes. All in all, give them a try! Written Augu...
FREE SMALL ONE TOPPING PIZZA Coupon Code: KGW1FZ. FREE SMALL ONE TOPPING PIZZA Coupon Code: kgvqfz. Coupon Code: B0ZBSJZBBMFR coin toss promo. PAPA JOHNS PROMO CODE: Hq777 For 3 medium pizzas @ $7.00 ea. One meat lovers,one sausage pizza and one cheese pizza. ...
Minus the sprouts and with a larger amount of thicker and stickier cranberry sauce drizzled over the top, it's a much sweeter version that the Papa John's and I think this one's definitely appealing to the masses with the addition of sausage and bacon - it was a big hit my kids at...
Papa Johns was founded in the back of a tavern belonging to founder John Schnatter’s father. Two years later franchises were being sold and the company went public in 1993. Papa Johns was the first to offer online ordering and their slogan is: Better ingredients. Better pizza. Social media...