The meaning of PAP SMEAR is a method for the early detection of cancer especially of the uterine cervix that involves the staining of exfoliated cells using a special technique which differentiates diseased tissue —called also Papanicolaou smear, Papani
A Pap smear (Papanicolau smear; also known as the Pap test) is a screening test forcervical cancer. The test itself involves collection of a sample of cells from a woman's cervix (the end of the uterus that extends into the vagina) during a routinepelvic exam. The cells are placed on...
Pap smear, Pap test answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
Test Quick Guide A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a test used to detect abnormal cells on the cervix that are cancerous or may become cancerous. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. A Pap smear is conducted by taking a sample of cells from...
A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is an exam a doctor uses to find out if you have cervical cancer. The test can also see changes in your cervical cells that may turn into cancer later. It is named afterGeorgios Papanikolaou, the Greek doctor who invented it. ...
There are no major physical risks of having a Pap smear. The test is very safe, even when you are pregnant. It will not harm you or the fetus. If fact, you may have a Pap test done as a part of your first routine prenatal visit.6 ...
A Pap smear can detect certain viral infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV), which is known to cause cervical cancer. Early treatment of precancerous changes detected on the Pap smear can stop cervical cancer before it fully develops.
What is a Pap test?The Pap test (Papanicolaou smear) is an examination that is used to detect cervical cancer and precancerous conditions of the cervix. If a Pap test detects a precancerous condition (a change on the surface of the cervix that can lead to cancer), your doctor can ...
宫颈刮片,也就是Pap Smear,是指从子宫颈部取少量的细胞样品,放在玻璃片上,然后在显微镜下研究是否异常。HPV的DNA检测法或血清学试验来检查是否感染了HPV。妇女生殖道HPV感染是一种常见的性传播疾病。性活跃妇女可能有50%感染过至少一种型别的HPV。由于人乳头瘤病毒感染是宫颈癌的病因,因此必须重视...
1.你好,宫颈刮片,也就是Pap Smear,是指从子宫颈部取少量的细胞样品,放在玻璃片上,然后在显微镜下研究是否异常.由于这项检验的提出,子宫颈癌的死亡率至少降低了 70%.通过简单的宫颈刮片,医生可以侦测到子宫颈细胞微小的极早期变化,这使致命的癌症甚至在还没真正发生之前就被狙击了.宫颈刮片是目前广泛...