The meaning of PAP SMEAR is a method for the early detection of cancer especially of the uterine cervix that involves the staining of exfoliated cells using a special technique which differentiates diseased tissue —called also Papanicolaou smear, Papani
What is a Pap test?The Pap test (Papanicolaou smear) is an examination that is used to detect cervical cancer and precancerous conditions of the cervix. If a Pap test detects a precancerous condition (a change on the surface of the cervix that can lead to cancer), your doctor can ...
If the Pap smear result is positive because of an infection, the underlying cause should be treated. The test should then be repeated in 2-3 months, because cancer of the cervix can be hidden by an infection. A check-up with a doctor is necessary. Most laboratories in the United States ...
Does a pap smear test for STDs? No, it's strictly to look for abnormal cancer cells in the cervix. The test can check forHPVwhich is sexually transmitted, but not every Pap smear does this. You usually have to request this in advance. If you'd like to get tested for STDs, you'll...
A Pap smear requires a sample of cells from the opening of the cervix. These cells are obtained by gently scraping the cervix with a swab or small brush. Before the test Before a Pap smear, it’s important to tell your doctor about any medications you are taking, if you’ve had an ...
A Pap smear (Papanicolau smear; also known as the Pap test) is a screening test forcervical cancer. The test itself involves collection of a sample of cells from a woman's cervix (the end of the uterus that extends into the vagina) during a routinepelvic exam. The cells are placed on...
Finally, the provider will gently slide the speculum out of your vagina and the test will be done. Post-Test If you are only having a Pap smear, you will be able to take your feet out of the stirrups. The exam table can be adjusted to make it easier for you to sit up. ...
宫颈刮片,也就是Pap Smear,是指从子宫颈部取少量的细胞样品,放在玻璃片上,然后在显微镜下研究是否异常。HPV的DNA检测法或血清学试验来检查是否感染了HPV。妇女生殖道HPV感染是一种常见的性传播疾病。性活跃妇女可能有50%感染过至少一种型别的HPV。由于人乳头瘤病毒感染是宫颈癌的病因,因此必须重视...
Pap smear test gains greater urgencySue Miller
Hi, I was yesterday on the regular gynecological examination, and the doctor said that I had to get a Pap smear test. I heard lot of times about this test, but I never knew why is it so important. Does it help in diagnosing STD?