A Pap smear is primarily used as a screening test for cervical cancer. Additional health conditions, including infections, inflammation, and other types of cancer may also be detected using this test. About the Test Purpose of the test
A Pap smear is a test to check forcervical cancer. If you have a cervix and are between the ages of 21 and 65, you should have the test every 3 years. The test is performed by inserting a speculum into your vagina and collecting some cells from your cervix that are analyzed at a l...
A Pap smear (Papanicolau smear; also known as the Pap test) is a screening test forcervical cancer. The test itself involves collection of a sample of cells from a woman's cervix (the end of the uterus that extends into the vagina) during a routinepelvic exam. The cells are placed on...
Self-swab pap smear test heading to doctors' offices Two companies working on tests to screen for cervical cancer received a tentative FDA greenlight back in May. September 5, 2024 Additional Live Streams Additional Live Streams Live ABC News Live ...
What is a Pap test?The Pap test (Papanicolaou smear) is an examination that is used to detect cervical cancer and precancerous conditions of the cervix. If a Pap test detects a precancerous condition (a change on the surface of the cervix that can lead to cancer), your doctor can ...
A Pap smear, also known as a Papanicolaou test or Pap test, is a procedure that checks for abnormal cells on thecervix.1It is named after George Papanicolaou, M.D., who is credited for developing the Pap smear.2The Pap smear drastically transformed how early cervical cancer can be detecte...
Pap Smear Test for Women to Detect Cervical CancerPinto, Richa
There are no major physical risks of having a Pap smear. The test is very safe, even when you are pregnant. It will not harm you or the fetus. If fact, you may have a Pap test done as a part of your first routine prenatal visit.6 ...
A Pap smear can detect certain viral infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV), which is known to cause cervical cancer. Early treatment of precancerous changes detected on the Pap smear can stop cervical cancer before it fully develops.
The Pap test is the most performed cancer screen in the world. Women deserve an alternative to the invasive Pap Smear Test that is comfortable, private, affordable, and accessible. Cervical cancer is a killer that doesn’t need to be. With early detection, it is very treatable, however, th...