A Pap test is a procedure to collect cells from the surface of the cervix and vagina. A piece of cotton, a brush or a small wooden stick is used to gently scrape cells from the cervix and vagina. The cells are viewed under a microscope to find out if the
A Pap smear is a simple, quick, and relatively painless screening test. Itsspecificity,which means its ability to avoid classifying a normal smear as abnormal (a "false positive" result), while very good, is not perfect. Thesensitivityof a Pap smear, which means its ability to detect every...
Empty thebladder.Pap smear involves the insertion of the speculum into the vagina and could press down the lower abdomen. After the procedure Thenurseshould note the followingnursing interventionsafter pap smear: Cleanse the perineal area.Secretions or excess lubricant from the vagina are removed and...
When my legs are in stirrups for my pap smear, I’m usually concentrating more heavily on pushing my tailbone down, as opposed to what the procedure actually entails. As it turns out, your nurse practitioner, or doctor, is actually scraping at your cervix to collect a sample of cells. ...
The overall aim of this study is to investigate the use of the Papanicolaou (PAP) smear as a screening tool for cervial cancer at the University of the West Indies Mona Campus Health Centre. The dockets of 1,320 registered female patients (staff members and dependents), aged 20 years and...
When I was 16 my parents described me as a “difficult” child, when I went to go on the pill and a cervical smear was practically forced on me when I wanted my next three months of the pill I thanked my lucky stars that I was branded difficult and many years on I still have neve...
It is important to note that the methodology of the present study required that the collecting device be kept in the vial so that 100% of the cervical scrape was sent to the laboratory. The conventional smear, by selecting a random fraction of the cervical scrape, involves an important loss...
While these studies have considerably helped raise the scientific findings on cancer, using tis- sue for cancer diagnosis is an invasive procedure. To our knowledge, there is no published report on Pap smear samples using RT-qPCR to analyze hsa-miR-194-5p and hsa-miR-195-5p expression in ...
You are expected to follow-up with your doctor in four to six months for a Pap Smear test. 2) Large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) is a type of surgery that removes a small part of the cervix. This procedure is either done in a clinic set up or in t...
Procedure Die Spekulum-Prüfung beginnt unmittelbar nach dem Ende der äußeren Genitalien Prüfung; Daher hat der Patient bereits eine Geschichte und ist in der Lage modifizierte Steinschnittlage. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Patient am Ende des Tisches sitzt, wie das Spekulum vollstän...