PANPAN INDUSTRY CO., LIMITED is one of the fastest growing private companies in Henan Province. Our products include plant growth regulators, pesticides, fungicides, Dyestuffs, foliage fertilizers, pharmaceutical intermediates, food additives and customized chemicals. Zhengzhou Panpan Chemical Co., Ltd...
The role of Panlongcheng--a walled settlement on the Yangtze River with obvious links to the Erligang capital at Zhengzhou, ~500km to the north--in early Bronze Age China has been the subject of much debate. Panlongcheng is a typical Erligang site (~1500-1300 BC), with evidence for ...
~ 500 km to the north—in early Bronze Age China has been the subject of much debate. Panlongcheng is a typical Erligang site (~ 1500–1300 BC), with evidence for people of elite status, unlike any other site apart from Zhengzhou itself. The ...
a请:郑州泰达总经理潘昭辉先生及业务员赵婷小姐尽快与徐州厂商处理此事。 Inviting: Zhengzhou extreme reaches General Manager Mr. Pan Zhaohui and clerk Miss Zhao Ting as soon as possible processes this matter with the Hsuchou manufacturer.[translate]...
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83.3%岗位拿¥6-15K/月,年薪¥7-18W。 按学历统计,大专工资¥15.6K。 按经验,1-3年工资¥10.9K。 就业前景怎么样?市场需求:2024年招聘职位6个,占郑州0.002%。 工作区域,主要分布在金水区,管城回族区。 就业单位:供应链管理占25%,国内电商占25%,电子商务占25%。
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