HEX Code: #b8cbc2 HEX Color name: Powder Ash (?) RGB Decimal: 184, 203, 194 RGB Float: 0.722, 0.796, 0.761 CMYK Percentage: 9, 0, 4, 20 HSL: 152,15,76 LAB: 80,-8,2 LRV (?) : 56.68% PANTONE 5585 C by Pantone Compare with Match or compare PANTONE 5585 C color (?) Be...
1.StudioRed Hex to Pantone Converter The StudioRed Hex to Pantone converter is a two-in-one tool that can convert hex and RGB values to Pantone colors. It’s a straightforward online Pantone converter that’s simple to use. You simply enter the code or the value, and the tool instantly...
HEX Code: #DAD6CB HEX Color name: Westar (?) RGB Decimal: 218, 214, 203 RGB Float: 0.855, 0.839, 0.796 CMYK Percentage: 0, 2, 7, 15 Pantone PANTONE 7527 C vs RAL Grey white (RAL 9002) side by side Grey white (RAL 9002) HEX Code: #D9D7CF HEX Color name: Timberwolf (?
Navy Blue Color Code If you work in web design or other digital media the following Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for navy blue could be useful. Hex:#000080 RGB:0 0 128 CMYK:100 100 0 50 Navy Blue vs Royal Blue If you compare the two colors you’ll see that navy blue is a ...
According to W3C, the royal blue hex color code is #4169E1. Royal Blue Color Code The table below displays the Hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for the color royal blue. Hex: #4169E1 RGB: 65 105 225 CMYK: 71 53 0 12 Royal Blue vs Navy Blue Comparing the two colors, you’ll ...
Just input the individual color values for your color of choice. You can enter red/green/blue or cyan/magenta/yellow/black. You can also enter HSV (hue, saturation and value) numbers or the hex code of a color you might use on a website. Any close-matching PMS colors will be displaye...